13| Stupid when i'm high

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M A L A C H A I   D E A V Y

"Mummy? What's wrong?" I ask once I reach the bottom step of the stairs. Walking into the living room, I see a man holding Lyra in his hands and my mother sobbing silently into a tissue.

"It's okay pumpkin, don't worry about it" she sniffs, giving me a gentle yet fake smile. I nod, giving back a meaningless smile before looking up at the man. He showed no emotion, he wore black clothes and had a hood shading his features.

His shadow stretched into the hallway as the moonlight shone onto him. His left eye seemed greyish whilst the other one had a brown shade to it. Lyra cried in his hands as he nodded at my mum, walking towards the front door.

I watched his shadow disappear into the darkness before the door shuts behind him. My mum burst into tears so I ran up to her and hugged her tightly, hoping that mummy could gain her smile back.

But she never did. Good old mum never got her smile back from that day on, never had I seen her with a true, genuine smile on her face.

One night she got up from the kitchen table, I wasn't done eating yet, and she put her slippers on. Draping a long coat over her boney shoulders.
I looked over at her full plate- she never really ate.

She turned to me as she picked up the keys to the door, sticking out her weak hand for me to take.

I peered down at food.
It was going to get cold.

But for mummy i'll go anywhere.

I slip off of the chair and speed over to her, sliding into my slippers and slipping a hoodie on.
She squeezed my hand as she unlocked the door, not peeping a word out.

Pulling me after her we step outside into the natural realm I call my home.

We lived amongst nature, in the middle of nowhere. We had peace here.
I loved it here.

Droplets had started spitting down so I pulled my hood over my head.

She was leading me to the sea.

Our toes amongst sand, we reached the shore.
"What are we doing here mummy?" I looked up at her as she began taking her coat and slippers off.
"Mummy?" I tried to get her attention which I only got once she had finished taking those off.

"It's okay my son, we're okay now." She smiled, kneeling down to take my slippers off, before pecking my forehead.
"It's okay." She repeated as she gripped onto my hand once more, beginning to pull me into the water.

The moon was bright, a full moon.
It reflected such magical lighting off of the deep sea.
The cold water made me gasp, huddling up to my mum as we continued going deeper.

The water was at my thighs now. I was only ever allowed to go this deep, mummy was always paranoid.

"What are you doing-
Mummy?" I furrowed my eyebrows as the water continued to rise, getting to my belly button.

"It's okay." She mumbled, staring off into the distance with a emotionless smile on her face.

At my chest now.

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