21| Mistake

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M A L A C H A I   D E A V Y

"So this is the map of Washington. We make transactions to do with the drug, we have men spying on people, we have the whole of Washington covered and under protection." Oscar explains, pointing towards multiple spots on the map.

"Why trust me with this information?" I ask, scanning and memorising the different locations marked on the map. "Well it's simple, we could easily end your wife's life. Plus, we think you could benefit from this." He shrugs, taking a puff of his cigar.

Fucking dumb pieces of shit. Everyone knows that the mafia industry see women as nothing more than toys. Well most of the industry anyways.
Plus who in their right minds trusts someone with this information?
I could smell the amateur level from him.

"Benefit?" I ask, "Makes you plenty of money, plus work for us and get a chance of laying your hands on the drug which you could use on someone, or even yourself; making yourself extremely powerful." He explains.

I stick my hand out for him to shake as a truce of loyalty, this could help us get private intel on the drug, see who's in charge of it.

Oliver enters the room not long after, "Where's my wife?" I inquire, taking a sip of whiskey. "She's making me money." He states, sitting down on his seat. "Alright, do you need me to do anything for anytime soon?" I ask and just with that, a man enters the room.
Ginger features, pointy facial structure.
I'm guessing that's Ginge in the flesh.

"Hello gents." He greets. The two women by his side wave politely at us all. "And you are..?" He raises an eyebrow when he spots me, "Ah, this is Nicholas! Great addition, lovely wife." Oliver introduces me and I lift my glass in the air as a greeting.

"And how do we know we can trust him?" He asks, coming closer to me. "We have his wife." Oliver answers, "Don't you know that us, as mafia men, we do not care for our wives? Is that all you have against him?" He raises his voice, approaching this smartly, unlike the two previously.

"Sir-" Oscar tries to say something, "No! Don't sir me! What have you told him?" Ginge yells at the two, "Uhm...." Oscar scratches the back of his head, "They told me everything, quite frankly." I inform.

"Are you insane?! I wasn't going to kill anyone today!! You two have just gotten an innocent man killed!" Ginge exclaims, reaching for his gun.

I wouldn't say i'm an innocent man, actually, i'm the polar opposite.

"God I told that son of a bitch to put other men down for the job but no, he had to stick me with these fuck heads." He mutters under his breath.

"I wouldn't advise that." I peer down at his hand, which was pulling out his gun. "Oh?" He he raises a brow, lifting the gun out and checking if it's loaded. "What can you do, really?" He points the gun at me.
"Gents, I wanted to keep this nice and clean, but since you want to play it out differently, we will." I pull out my gun and point it at Ginge, forcing all the men to point their guns at me.

Looking around, I smirk to myself.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Ginge speaks up with such confidence, it actually makes me want to laugh.

I scan my surroundings, four men on my right, one on my left, Oscar and Oliver behind me.

I shoot the man on my left, running towards him to use him as my shield as I shot two of the men on the right with ease, the body I held taking all the shots for me as I came closer to the other two there, all this in under a few seconds as I shoot them both in the head, throwing the body I held onto Oscar before then flinging myself at Oliver and punching him, shooting Oscar in the knee and disarming him, pinning Oliver down, I shoot each of his arms, letting them both bleed out- I felt bad for the two so let them live a little longer. All the women had piled up in a corner, holding each other as they watched, scared.

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