40| Silently hoping

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Her underground fight had gone viral and she seemed to have been enjoying herself. Her mother was clearly right about her being okay.

I was so fucking stupid to believe she'd need help. She's clearly there willingly. Probably all part of her plan. Finally getting to meet Kace and planning her next moves. She'd mentioned wanting to meet the Spanish mafia leader. All evidence pointed towards Kace being the leader. Did she know all along?

"Fuck!" I yell, shoving the pillows off her bed, sitting on the edge and running my hands through my hair, watching the screen play her fight.

That's when I realise something, someone.
I get up off the bed and get closer to the tv, looking at the person who's sat in the vip area where Lilith came from.

What's one of the Shadow Hunters doing in public?

Blythe hunts the shadows. People who have gone into hiding. The Shadow Hunters have a very secretive and experienced way of finding those who have disappeared off the face of the earth, or so people think.

This changes my theory because if Lilith was there willingly, a Shadow Hunter wouldn't be needed. What she's doing letting Lilith fight in public, I will not know.

Holding the knowledge of who Lilith is with, it was easy for me to get in contact with one of my Shadow Hunter friends and she was able to tell me that Blythe cut off from the Shadow Hunters long ago. Said she moved to work for a different boss. My guess is that it's Kace since we already have an ongoing lead on who was out for Lilith.

Whatever he needs from her is still an unsolved mystery and I think investigating the reasons would lead us to dead ends. The only way to get answers is to face the issue up front.

I had Kendrick and Val get every single detail that could be helpful out of our captives since I was certain i'd lose my shit if I even gave them as much as a glance after what I learned. Getting anything out of Lilith's mother is practically impossible given that she's as stubborn as Lili herself. In conclusion, the only hopeful lead we currently had was Blythe and her appearance with Lilith.

The Darker Ground was a place where I was quite literally feared in. After being dumped into military training and completing it, my father worked hard on building my status amongst The Under Ground. I never really understood why we had to go through with the military training but soon learned that my father just wasn't in the fucking mood to take care of us and needed us to grow up a little. How fatherly of him.

"She wants us to find them." Maya states, a crunch from her apple follows as she takes a bite. "That's exactly why she let Lilith fight. It's a setup." Her muffled voice brings a new truth to the table and I feel like choking her with the apple. Kendrick seems rather bored of this meeting, how fucking unfortunate.

"Okay that's enough." The door swings open and I turn to the voice who speaks. "These little meetings have been getting on my last nerve and there is no need for you to be looking for my daughter. I know where she is. I know she's safe. Get that into your thick fucking skulls." Lilith's mother, Linnaea, snaps at us all. Valentino is the first to get up, clearly frustrated as he stalks out the room, looking like he's ready to punch anyone is his way.

"Respectfully, Miss Ortiz, she's practically my sister in law," Colton grins at me for a moment, which I roll my eyes at, before returning his gaze to Linnaea, now completely serious. "And the fact that I don't know where the fuck she is, is pissing me off. I haven't had anyone to annoy for the past Idontknowhowmuch days." He grumbles. "Colton you're quite literally irrelevant right now." Maya hisses and he sends her a glare which she rolls her eyes at.

"I appreciate your concern but as soon as her brother is done with her-" What? Her eyes grow wide and she curses herself. My eyes turn to Kendrick who has also caught onto it and so has Maya. Colton is as oblivious as always. "Brother?" Kendrick's lethal snarl fills the silence and Linnaea only stares at him. "I never meant to say that. I was just thinking of my brother and it popped into my mouth." She stated before bolting out the door. "Who thinks of their brother whilst talking about their missing daughter?" Colton snorts, clearly still in lala land. "She doesn't have a brother." Both Maya and Kendrick mention at the same time, looking up at me.

"Maya, search the data base for literally anything. Any DNA matches that would link to Lilith. We need to figure out who this brother is." No one said it, but we were all silently hoping it wasn't Kace. Although all ties led to him which fucking pissed me off. Sure I want her suffering for what she did but if another person lays as much as a pinky on her, they won't live to see another fucking day.

"Oh shit." I think Colton over there has finally loaded back into reality. "How are we going to get to Lilith if they're practically waiting for us?" He asks, and I look to Kendrick who carries a clouded look in his eyes. "I've killed a fucking Hunter before, and I'll do it again with pleasure." He states, getting up from his seat and walking out without another word.

"See, I may be skilled but I'm also not stupid. I'm not going to storm into Kace's evil layer and pronounce death on the King of all the underground. That's like eating shit and expecting not to gag." He rambles and I furrow my brows at the odd choice of analogy.

"Look, it's not like we can do much right now. I think although it's going to be a fucking pain in my ass, I have to go see Linnaea and get her to talk." I state and he snorts which catches my attention. I raise a brow in question, "That's like waiting for the day Lilith finally confesses her feelings for you. It'll never happen." He sniggers and I glare at the guy who clearly finds this all amusing. "When this all goes down, you'll be by my side, confronting Kace." I grumble and he grows physically pale. "You know, on the other hand, Lilith and you seem to be going well so maybe she'll confess-" He begins to ramble his way out of it but I just shake my head and walk out the room.

Too much to do. All because of a curly haired nightmare.
Damn you, woman.

The thought of what Kace, and God knows who else, could be doing to her right now makes my blood boil. If I find as much as a scratch on her delicate skin I'll fucking burn the place down. What? No. She can die for all I care...

But I swear to God, I'll fucking murder him with my bare hands.

Shorter chapter again but hey, you rather this than nothing okay.
Anyways, live laugh love. Currently let my bitch English teacher read my rewritten introduction to my essay since she didn't like the first one but every other teacher did😃 if she calls on me in class to embarrass me in front of my ex, telling me it's bad, I'm leaving this fucking earth.

Ciao hot people.

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