35| Think

197 4 1


Fucking stupid how all of the guys get to go and spy on Cig and do the fun shit whilst my father sends me to go assassinate an old friend of his, now more known as an enemy.

My father has a lot of enemies.
It's fucking annoying, taking into consideration that once I take over, i'll have to deal with them myself.

He's a selfish man.
Anything that could benefit him in the slightest, he has to obtain, no matter who it may harm in the long run.

I guess in some way, it's a good trait to possess given the industry and objectives- which by the way, are so fucked up.
They're simple yet dark: obtain, gain and reign.
Obtain the power, gain on it, and reign over the weak.

I was never one to take much interest in the weak, not in a good, nor in a bad way.
They can do as they please, as long as they don't cross me.
I'm not a man who really gives a flying fuck about anything at this point.
It's rather numb in my mind at the moment.

It just is what it is.

I stopped caring after I realised that no one truly gives a shit either.
In the boys home, in the army, by my fathers side, and now in the mafia.

I guess you could say my mother was the beginning of a flaw that ran deep.

I gasped for air as my head jerked up to the surface of the water.
"Mummy!!" I sobbed out before my head dived into the water once more.

Unable to close my eyes in time, they stung.
I sobbed, air leaving my lungs, water taking over.
Seconds later, my head rose above the surface once more, this time all I could see were blurs of colours.

At this point, I wasn't able to distinguish between being above and beneath the surface. My lungs couldn't catch a breath, they felt heavy.
I was cold, freezing, numb.

My tears meshing with the ice cold water as I cried out loud, calling for the woman who had led me here in the first place.

I sank.
Slowly, I sank.

I felt the darkness surround me.
My energy leaving my body after waving about frantically for a while.

It became silent.
My mind stopped thinking.
I was still.
Like the time had stopped for a second.
It was somewhat nice- the feeling of nothingness.
I was at peace for a moment.
Maybe this was the way to go.
It was comforting.

In front of me appeared a dark mist with red eyes and a stitched together mouth.
It floated in the water with me, staring right through me.

I wanted to reach it, something in it drew me towards it.

It glared at me blankly as it's claws reached out for me.
I felt an ache around my chest, as if it was collapsing on itself.

I looked the mist in the eyes and faced the being with curiosity.
It seemed petrified at my acknowledgment of its presence.
It's claws loosened from my chest.

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