16| The root to her problems

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"Just fucking wake her up!" a guttural voice spoke up as I opened my eyes, allowing them to focus back into reality again. "You do it!" the less dominant voice shrieks back, followed by a few stomping footsteps which were headed towards me.

"Don't even think about it" I grumble, scanning my surroundings which looked oddly familiar. "Oh, look who decided to wake up!" the gravelly voice scoffed as I slowly faced my head towards the two men.

"You have a pretty face," I grinned, staring at the blonde's face. "Blue eyes, blonde hair, perfectly fit for a nazi" I state and he smirks gently, "Oh! Just how did you know?" he asks, seeming pretty impressed. "Gosh, I can identify a crazy fuck when I see one," I roll my eyes which makes him chuckle lowly.

I turn to the less dominant man, "You seem... new?" I chuckle, "Shut up, bitch." He spits, "Damn, you've found yourself a real hard one, you know," I scoff and the man suddenly arrives in-front of my face and holds a knife up to my neck. "Tsk tsk, newbies.. am I right?" I look behind the guy to see the other man looking rather displeased. "Do it" I whisper, smirking.

"Daniel, lass es" the man orders and mr Daniel over here, releases his grip. "Pussy" I grit through my teeth as the man backs away. "Anyways, why am I here exactly?" I ask, looking displeasingly at the man. "C'mon, i'm sure you can put two and two together," he chuckled.
"You really think what happened a years ago, truly happened for no reason?" He asked and I finally began to fit the puzzle pieces together.

I started shaking out of genuine fear, "Sweetheart, the more you move, the more it'll hurt" the bald, tattoo faced man states and I eye my filled with fury father, before squeezing my plushie for comfort. Sweat slowly building up and running down my body, making my top stick to the leather couch.

"You think she's capable of pulling through the second stage?" the man asked my father as he looked through a drawer filled with files. "She's my blood, of course she is" my dad scoffed, "You know, she's the first girl to be participating, the rest are all boys," the man informs as he picks out the long searched for, file. "Anyways, i'm going to need you to sign this," he hands the sheet over to my father along with a pen.

While this was all happening, I watched the IV drip down, through the tube and into my veins which were now a strong blue colour. My skin was slowly burning up yet I was too afraid to say anything, what was my dad getting me into?

"He fucking set me up for this shit. Wayyy before it was even declared successful." I scoffed in disbelief at the fact that I was involved in this messed up shit because of him, once again. "He believed in you, and here you are. Living up to his honour," the man walked towards me, "Don't you ever speak of him and his 'honour' bullshit." I grit through my teeth. "Aw, we hit a soft spot.. daddy issues huh?" he chuckles and I growl in his direction. "Anyway, let's go see your friend, shall we?" he suggests and I don't say anything, still trying to process the recent information.

M A L A C H A I   D E A V Y

What's with the weird sensation in my body...?
"How are you feeling?" a slow, wobbly voice asks me.

Burning.... freezing... warm... cold...
Why is he sweating? Gosh it smells. His glasses are fogged up... that's pissing me off.
I tug forcefully on the straps holding me down on the cold, metal bed.

His breathing is speeding up, "WHY ARE YOU BREATHING SO LOUD?!" I yell recklessly and the man jumps. "Calm down," his wobbly voice demands. I look over at him. Why is he so wiggly? Why is the world wiggly? Oh gosh here comes the dizziness.
Kill me.

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