34| Eagle eyes and mountain women

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C O L T O N  H A Y N E S

We arrived at the acres of land surrounding the farm house.

The plan was simple, we watch the men close up, try see what they're up to and figure out their next move.

No killing was to be involved, the reason being that Malachai wasn't here, therefore couldn't make the decision first hand.
He was sent to deal with some easy business in the city by his father whilst we gathered information on our little Cig guy.

Although, with three careless men put on the job, no life is guaranteed; that's just a fact.

"This way is more efficient!" Val exclaims, pointing towards the fenced-in area with tons of animals within. "This way is going to get us killed! Have you seen the bulls!" Kendrick snaps back. "I'm not going to walk through this muddy hell to come out with dirty trousers, no shoes, and sweat dripping off me." Val grumbles. "Who would've thought someone could set up distractions unintentionally?" I huff as we stay standing in the same position we were in for the last ten minutes.

"Rock, paper, scissors can sort this out." I bring up the idea and they nod, turning face to face and recite the three words.
Val: Rock, Kendrick: Paper.

"This is fucking stupid." Val grumbles. "And your idea wasn't?" I retaliate and he only glares at me once, before rolling his eyes and proceeding towards the lands of mud.

"If I lose a shoe, you owe me the most expensive drink I can think of at the most expensive nightclub." Val mumbles and Kendrick scoffs, beginning the struggle through the mud.
"You're such a pussy." I huff at Kendrick, "Go. Do it. Run through the field of animals then." He turns to me and I glance towards the animals.

"Okay." I grin at the challenge.

Cracking my neck, I hop the fence and find myself within the animal's area.

I hadn't thought of the fact that most of these animals are blending in with the darkness of the early morning, leaving only their eyes which beam occasionally.

"C'mon brave guy!" I hear Kendrick cheer from the outside and I groan at his sarcasm.
I am brave, thank you very much.

I find myself stealthily crouching through the crowds of animals.

"Hey you know what? This isn't as bad!" I call out.

I don't get an answer.
"Guys?" I stop to look over at them.
I'm just able to make out that they're staring directly behind me, wide eyed.
"Colton-" Val stumbles on his words and I gulp.

I both hear, and feel the strong huff that the animal lets out through its nose, tingling at the back of my neck, brushing my precious hair out of place.
A bull.
An alpha who feels entitled to protect his territory.
"Fuck." I hiss, throwing myself towards the fence, miscalculating my ability to leap far enough to make it to the fence. Instead, I face plant- still inside the enclosed territories.

Within seconds, the bull charges towards me and all I can do is soldier-crawl to the other side of the fence just in time. Yelping out as I just barely make it, catching a whoosh of the breeze the bull forms, bumping into the fence. I flinch back, thinking it won't be able to take the beasts' hits.

The two behind me burst into uncontrollable laughter and I would have screamed if it wasn't for the mission.

"Told you it was a bad decision." I grumble over at Val who had teared up from his laughter; unable to give me a proper response.

I get up from the mud, now realising I am absolutely covered in it. "Could've just gotten killed at this point." I roll my eyes, rubbing the remaining mud from my hands onto my already dirty clothing.

"I think it suits you." Val jokes.
Can I shoot him?

"Well since we're speaking of the things that suit us, i've been thinking of giving you a nice bullet to the forehead." I grumble as we splash our shoes through the muddy grounds.

We make it past the mud lands with only one shoe lost.
That being Val's which he was, and still is, extremely mad about.

"Where should we set up watch?" Kendrick questions, and I scan the different available locations. "Shut up." Val growls and makes the decision to take it upon himself to find a good spot.

"Those shoes weren't even that nice!" I shout whisper over to Kendrick. "Right!" He agrees.
"They were my only comfy-elegant shoes!" Val snarls. "Why would you bring elegant shoes to a farm bro?!" I shout-whisper at him. "You never know, maybe there are some farm ladies in the horizon." He stares off into the distance, like in some cinematic movie. "What are we looking at?" Kendrick asks as the three of us stare into the mountains.
"Mountain women." Val replies sighing and reaching his hand out dramatically.

I've set up my listening device which will allow me to eavesdrop on the pair inside.

"It's absolutely incredible how she has managed to stay below the radar for so long." One of the two sigh with a hint of admiration in his tone.
"This is great. We could use this information against her and get what we want." The other mentions.

"First, we must find her, the last trace of her was erased from the system by an unknown source."
"I could speak with Kace, he's got that eagle's eye."

The eagle's eye was the most powerful tracing device.
Connected to every satellite, every device, any surface that shows reflection was a traceable object.
Myself, I have never even laid eyes on the object. I can only imagine for it to be an enormous amount of monitors on a wall, a large amount of keyboards, pc's and data collectors compiled into one room and Kace himself, sat at the seat, operating it all.

It was a shock, everyone knew someone was in possession of the eagle's eye, yet no one knew who.
All we knew was that whoever it was, they were powerful and practically untouchable.
For us to know the identity and name of this man has now set us ahead of anyone else.
All because of a man who loves his family enough to give up this information for them.
I could only wish.

An unsettling feeling swarmed my body, the thought of Kace and the eagle eye, he could be watching.

Possessing the eagle's eye meant you had access to anyone who wasn't careful.
Only the clever knew how to avoid it.

Yet even as I hold a device which was designed with high technology to ensure it was untraceable, I still felt discomfort and uncertainty.

"Is that-"
The voice from the inside snaps me back in.
"Malachai Deavy."

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