24| Game on, bitch

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M A L A C H A I   D E A V Y

The nurse pierced the needle through my skin, collecting a blood sample from me. I always liked the feeling. I liked blood. It makes me feel alive. Reminds me that after all, i'm still mortal and killable.
Maybe not easily, but killable.

"If you could just take your hoodie off completely and step into that machine." She gestures towards a small tube-like, compartment.

Stepping into it, scanners start moving up and down, the stripes of red light scanning across my body multiple times.

After all, I did get half of the dosage from the Germans, therefore i'm the new guinean pig; getting tested on every two seconds so we can begin to break down the layers of the drug, learning more and more about it every new test I take.

"Arms up." The speaker in the tubed room spoke up and I lift my arms into the air, letting the scanner scan every part of my body.
I don't really understand why we need a scanner but they're the scientists so I won't even bother conversing about it with them, my father trusts them to do their job.

The door slides open and I step out, "Are you taking your medication?" She asks and I sigh, sliding my hoodie back on. "Malachai don't you understand that for you to function normally on a daily basis, you have to take your medication?" She searched through a drawer.

"The IED has been gone for ages now, there's no need." I sign a sheet of paper which confirms my visit today. "Your father clearly sent me here with you so I would make sure you don't have another outburst." She found what she was looking for and handed me the pack of pills.

"Just take one a day, i'm not asking for much." She put the pack in my hand, "Tina, i'm fine," I lay the pills on the table and headed towards the door. "I'm going to lose my fucking job because of you one day." She calls just as I closed the door behind me, leaving the laboratory department and heading all the way across the massive base towards the entrance hall.

"Malachai! Wait Malachai!" I heard Valerie's voice call from the front desk. "Hm?" I answered, continuing to walk. "Val told me to inform you of a possible trace on Cig and needs you to come check it out with him." She leaned over and tried to catch her breath. "Jesus woman how long were you running for?" I looked over at her red face, she looked like she'd been running a marathon.

"I've been here and there, i'm a busy woman after all." she sighs. It pissed me off when she lied. "So when does Val want to do this?" I lit a cigarette, "Oh, uhm.. now," I leaned my head back, looking up at the ceiling, mentally cursing.

"Can I come?" She beams. "Aren't you busy?" I ask. "Oh, I can make some time," she reassures and I shook my head, "No, you could get hurt."

Sure, sometimes she could be annoying but both me and Colton have known her a long time. It wouldn't be the most pleasant feeling having to dig up a grave for her.


"Look I made a plane!" I exclaim, holding up the poorly shaped plane which I formed with multi-coloured lego's and a weird rod I found in the box.
"Noooooo! This goes... here!" Josiah scolded, moving the rod to the other end of my plane. "Oh, right. Thank you." I furrow my brows at my so called masterpiece. "You think this could go into a museum?" I look over at him as he tries to pull two lego pieces apart. He pays no attention to what I'm saying and only grunts at how much he struggles.

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