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M A L A C H A I   D E A V Y

"There's no fucking way that's happening." I spat, "Malachai this is not your decision to make, we will create a temporary alliance and sort this German problem out." My father speaks with a no-bullshit tone. "There will be a meeting in place at one of their spare warehouses to discuss details. You, as my right hand, will be there along with Colton and some other men. Am I being clear?" His question sounds more like an order. "Yes sir." I grumble. "Go inform Colton." He dismisses me with his hand and I leave the room.

I make my way down the corridor, towards the shooting range where Colton usually hangs about in.

I grab a gun as I approach Colton who, like I suspected, is shooting a far away target. I start shooting. "We're making a fucking alliance." I yell over the loud gunshots. "Whattttt?" He yells back. "WE'RE- You know what, stop the- STOP SHOOTING!" I yell, setting my gun aside as does he. "Alliance with the Spanish." I repeat myself.

"Holy shit, really? We're gonna work with the chick that left both of your shoulders scarred and took me out in the matter of seconds? Not to mention, she didn't budge when your father interrogated her before then proceeding to escape our warehouse?" He grins with amusement. "Fuck off, it was luck." I fight my own smirk.

"I've read her files. She's fucking scary." He muses. My brow raises with curiosity as I wave my hand in the air to signal a guard over. "Bring me everything we have on Lilith Ortiz." With a single nod to his head, the guard leaves the room.

"You think she could be a threat?" He asks me, picking his gun up once more. I shrug, "We'll find out."

Soon enough, I find myself staring at the file sitting on my desk. She can't be that bad. Right?

I huff before slipping the file open. At first, it's just some boring birth information.
I flip continue flipping, a lot of the information missing.
The first thing that grabs my interest is the casefile  on her assassination of a small mafia within a city, all by herself. From what I read, she stepped on a mans throat with the sole of her heel, piercing right through his neck. That's only one of them.
She had an 136 day streak of nonstop killing. Killing all types of people, from psychopaths to simple mobsters.

Family... just her mother and her aunt. Father died a long time ago; he's unknown.

She seems to enjoy getting messy, playing with her targets. Whenever she leaves, the bodies are always found in terrible state. Cut out body parts, holes, jabs, no teeth, etc. from what I can see on the reference photos anyways.

After a good few hours of studying her files thoroughly, the little that there is, I conclude that she may be a little more powerful than I anticipated. She hasn't failed any mission since she started, which was when she was very young, although those details are unknown.

But though she may be dangerous, no one is as dangerous as someone who doesn't have family, someone who doesn't have anything to lose. Sure I have my father but no one would dare to touch him and Colton? He's way smarter than people realise.

Speaking of Colton, I guess I haven't spoken about how we met, which was at a boys home.
I was there because I used to live with my mother and when she... well, when she wasn't there anymore, I was put into a boys home because no one could contact my father.

"So you'll be sleeping in here with two other boys, Colton and Elias, they'll be your bunk buddies although Elias isn't here today, alright?" The woman guided me towards the bedroom. The place was cold and dark but paintings and drawings created by other children seemed to light up the uneasy tension which floated about.

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