22| Self control

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L I L I T H   O R T I Z

It was a few days after and we all agreed on holding a meeting today to discuss the outcome of that nights events.

I was running late, as usual.
But I was known for it so it didn't bother me.

I hadn't spoken nor had I even looked in Malachai's direction since the incident by the car. I'm mad at myself for being mad over something that I would usually shrug off. Rejection wasn't something a feared from men but with Malachai it just pissed me the fuck off because of the simple fact that he had led me on enough to make me believe he'd actually wanted something out of it and then just acted like it had been me who wanted it and he hadn't all along.

Whatever. Fuck him and his weird policies.

I had opened the door to the room where the meeting was being held, files were being passed around as I shut the door behind me.
"Oh look who it is! Miss Never-on-time!" Valentino exclaims and I roll me eyes.

It pissed me off that I felt his gaze on me. It was as though his comfort sight was me, he always seemed to be looking at me whenever he got the chance- it boiled my blood. But I hadn't spared a glance in his direction. I wasn't going to give him the benefit of the doubt that I was on good terms with him.

"I am actually so exhausted." Kendrick groans, running his hands down his face. "See, this is why you don't drink before a fucking meeting, idiot." Maya responds, shaking her head.
"Oh go fuck yourself." He grumbles.
"Are you not tired Cherry?" He turns to me.

Why would I be tired?
Well since I was horny and left to deal with it myself, me and Kendrick went clubbing and I had fucked a random guy.

"He wasn't as pleasing as I thought- only lasted half an hour." I sigh as though I was disappointed, which I was.

The disapproving facial expression Malachai had flashed for a second gave me all the satisfaction I ever needed.

I lay my head on Val's lap and play with his hand sighing, "Can we get on with the original purpose please?" I ask, completely ignoring Malachai's infuriated self.

Val played with a few strands of my hair as Elias began to go through the file we were all given.

"Lilith!! Get in here!!" My father yelled from downstairs.

I hopped off of my princess bed and put on my slippers. Grabbing my teddy and strolling out of my room. Slowly, step by step, walking down the stairs, gripping my small hands around the railing so I don't fall.

Jumping at the last step, I finally get to the bottom and speed my way over to the dining room.

"Jesus, Lilith. How long does it take to get down a few steps?" My father scoffed.

A boy, my age, stood holding the hand of a tall man. His hair was curly and black, he had green cargo trousers on along with a black top, he also, was holding a teddy. The man looked like an older version of him, just more... hairy.

"Hello dear, i'm Damian and this is my son, Valentino." He introduced them both. "Go on, Lilith. Where are your manners?" My father encourages me, "Hello. I'm Lilith." I mumble, twirling my hair around my finger.

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