27| Untouchable

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L I L I T H   O R T I Z

"Malachai, in your opinion, what should the next steps be?" His father questioned- he's been testing him every chance he got.

"We track down the location, prepare and attack." He replied after a few seconds of thought. "Good." Alexander praised, taking a puff of his cigar. "How do we prepare?" He pushes. "We get exact coordinates, prepare transport and catch him at a moment of weakness." Malachai states as I notice him biting down on a toothpick.

Elias had been able to use a few traces him and Maya scouted down and we were able to allocate Cig's location, thanks to his friend whom had logged onto a traceable website which led us back to our only possible lead. Although, it's not 100% confirmed to be his location.

"Lilith you'll be taking charge of this mission." His father then turns to me. "What?" Malachai snaps. "This is her responsibility, they are after her, therefore she will be leading this operation. Anything goes wrong, it'll be her fault and she can say goodbye to the chances of moving up in the industry." Rafael states.
I growl- the man will take any measures to ensure my fall.

"That's fine, better than you leading any operation- we all know how that goes." I retort. "You need to learn some respect for your boss, young lady." Alexander scolds. "You have no respect towards me Lilith. Be honest, are you just on your period all the time or something?" He chuckles.
What does that have to do wi-

"You're making zero proper sense right now, who are you to speak? Fucking sensitive ass bitch- look at yourself, simply unable to speak up for yourself without this, bossy ass bitch, speaking for you." I point towards Alexander. "I don't understand how her period has anything to do with this situation." Malachai butts in. I scowl in his direction, letting him know I don't need his stupid backup.

"Shut up boy." Rafael snaps and Alexander slips a gun out of his inside pocket, cocking it at his chin. "Now let's not get too confident there, hm?"
Rafael stiffens and I watch.

Shoot him.
He hands slides the gun over to me," You do it."

I grab ahold of the gun and press down on the trigger, nothing comes out.
"She has balls, Rafael. You don't." Alexander states calmly. He was proving a point. I check to see that there were only two bullets out of 8- I just so happened to land on an empty reload. Of course, I realised that when I felt the weight was off.
I was willing to take my chances though.

"That could have fucking killed me," Rafael gritted out and I lay the gun on the desk. Malachai lifts the gun and fidgets with it. "Anyways, we will have Lilith lead this mission." Alexander confirms. "Involve whomever you may need, just make sure to all come back alive in one piece." He warns. "Now, I have business to attend to in England; I will be seeing you in a few weeks when you come down to join me."
Malachai nods before his father leaves the room.

"Fucking bitch." Rafael stood up with a blade peeking out of his sleeve. "What are you gonna do? Kill me? Please." I scoff. "You will disrespect me no more." He grits with a hint of a threat to it.

I reach down to my bag, rummaging to find my cigarette pack, growing bored of this conversation.

A breeze of air runs past me and Malachai hisses.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He spat right after.
I yanked myself back up to see Rafael who had tried to stab me with the blade and Malachai who had stopped the blade with his bare hand.
Great, now there's blood all over my fucking clothes.

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