37| Family reunion

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I wandered over to my corner, not taking my eyes off of the man as he does the same.

There was something I loved about these fights. Fighting men from the underground and winning always meant either taking down a drug lord, abuser/rapist or human trafficker. And I must say, the idea of being behind the murders made my eyes sparkle.

To win, I always had my little rules.

Rule number one: Always know what you're up against.

I scanned the bulky man.
Indeed, he was big, but the strength isn't always in the muscles but in the brains- something I learned from my father.

"But he's so much bigger than me, papa," I flexed my neck to be able to see the tall man. "Power is in the mind, niña," He mentioned. "You have to be fully confident that you ARE stronger than your opponent, no matter if you physically are or aren't. Your brain is your biggest weapon."

He could be wise, he knew all the tips and tricks. But there's nothing a man like him can do to make me despise him any less.

The face of your opponent shows a lot as well.
The expression is key when it comes to such things.
You can have the overly cocky ones that can't stop smiling and looking around, then you have the expressionless ones who show nothing- ding ding ding! We have ourselves an emotionless man!

His right eye has a twitch.. his whole right side seems off, weaker.
I can tell by the lack of pressure in his right squeezing fist in comparison to the left.
Might just be that he is left handed though.

His skin shows no sign of hair which benefits him because I have nothing to pull on in an emergency.


Rule number two: Narrow down the weakness.

One harsh move and he is as good as dead.

All I have to do is make the man work a little so he tenses further and i'll cut the man with my nails, well, what's remaining because i've already bit two off due to... personal reasons..

"Do you both understand the rules?" the ring announcer asks through the mic and we both nod in confirmation.

The rules are simple: no weapons, fight until one dies.
If you give up, you must come back once more for a rematch at some point.

"Good luck darling," I smirk towards my opponent- he doesn't respond, just glares.
"Rude." I huff under my breath and tie my hair up into a braid- yep, these fingers work fast..
Okay anyways.

I'm craving a burger.
Not the time to be thinking of that.

The bell rings, signalling the match had started.

He makes his first move to the left of him, beginning the all too familiar circling game before someone strikes first. I make my way to my left so we stay facing each other.

Now let's see just how patient our killer boy is.

I continue circling around, never make the first move.

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