36| Empress

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They prepare you for the days when you face your nemesis.
That's what you're trained for.

Yet what they don't train you for, is the unknown.

You can't blame them because no one knows what it'll be.
No one is capable of predicting an accurate future.

Sometimes we receive hints, small gestures that lead up to one tragedy, and sometimes, the world comes crashing down on you in the matter of seconds.

I just so frankly happened to be the victim of that.

Who was he?
The fear of the unknown, ladies and gents.
I speak of it a lot, I know.

Once, a wise Abel spoke of it and it stuck with me.
I don't know whether that's a good thing or not, but it had stuck.

It's true.
Not one being on this earth likes the feeling of not being in control, not knowing everything.
Us, humans, as predators, we always want to be in charge; hold the dominance. But we're both predators and prey if you think about it.
Our own species being our rivals, of course.
Intraspecific competition, if you may.

Was it him?

Maybe I would've been slightly less afraid if I wasn't basically almost unconscious.
But what does Blythe mean by all of what she has just told me?

My guess is as good as yours.
Although, you're the reader, you may know of things I do not.
I wonder how my story ends.
I wonder if i'm able to ever let go of what haunts me at night. Let go of my past.

I do not think that's a possibility, as much as I hate to admit it.
It's hard weeding the roots he planted in me when he was the source to my water, he helped me grow.
Although, he was never the sun, no.
My mother, the sun, the brightness in my life, shaped a huge part of me.
Which I am grateful for because God knows what I would have become without her.

But majority of my day was spent melting under my fathers finger tips.
Maybe I was always daddy's little girl.
Not by choice, but by force.

People misunderstand me for that.

"How could she despise him if she has spent all her life devoted to him?"

Predators aren't supposed to devote themselves to others.
That's how you become prey.

I was prey in his grasp; there was no second question about that.

But maybe that's why I was a butterfly.
I was always prey.
No matter how strong, how quick or powerful I was, i'd always be prey for the hungry creatures hidden beneath shadows, waiting for me to make the wrong turn and stumble upon a situation too big for me to handle.

Little do they know that I was raised by the greatest predator of them all.
I must give him the credit for that.

But I taught myself what no other could.
I built a mentality which none could break through, constructed a wall around myself and locked the gate away, throwing the key far into the distance and never once turning back to find it.

In order for me to survive I must put myself first in every situation.
Maybe it'll hurt someone who put their trust in me but unless you're like family, I will do anything I have to, to keep myself away from the predator territory.

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