Chapter 21

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Morning sunlight peeked through the gaps of the logs, the early hustle of people footsteps could be heard as the breeze flew across their bedsheets. She woke up, enclosed in strong muscular arms wrapped around her small waist.

Her tired blue eyes slowly stared up at the familiar face of Thomas, still sleeping and burrowed into his warmth. Her small body was pressed against his, their legs tangled together as she buried her face back into his chest. Teresa could happily stay in his arms forever but she knew they had a busy day ahead of them.

Her cheeks flushed red when she thought of the way, she clung to his frame the other night as they drowned in each other's kisses. It's been too long since their reunion and they couldn't get enough of each other.

She slowly tried shifting out of his strong arms, releasing her hand from his shirt. His hold on her waist unknowingly tightened, keeping her pressed against his chest as she felt him bury his face into her raven hair.
"Teresa...." He murmured in a barely audible voice, still asleep.

Pleasant tingles spread through her body and she felt her flush intensify as she heard him mumble her name in his sleep. He was dreaming about her again.
"He's so cute...." She spoke, fondly in her head as she stared up at him.

"Who's cute?" He responded, curiously as his tired brown eyes opened and stared back at her.
"You heard that? I said that in my head though." Teresa answered, confused until a sudden thought entered her mind. She hadn't tried using the telepathy awake yet. A small smile unknowingly grew on her face, excited to try their telepathic connection out just like the old times in the glade.

"I heard it. Why?" Thomas muttered, quietly as his tired brown eyes watched her thinking face. He found it strangely adorable.
"Can you hear me now, Tom?" She spoke, cheerfully as her words suddenly echoed through his head. His lips quickly tilted up into a grin as the same thought swirled in his mind, he could talk to her in his head again.

"I can hear you, Teresa." He responded, softly as he caressed her cheek. She smiled her angelic smile at him and clutched his shirt, happy she confirmed her earlier thoughts.

"I missed talking to you in my head...." She answered, softly as she leaned into his touch.
"Me too...." He muttered, quietly as he was mesmerised by her beautiful blue eyes.
There was comfortable silence filling the air, the hustle of people could be heard as they stared at one another.

"Now who's cute?" Thomas spoke, quietly as he grinned down at her.
"Aris." Teresa responded, playfully as she giggled at his frown.
"Really?" He muttered as he slowly sat up and pressed her further into the bed. His elbows propped next to her head and watched her cheeks flush red at his actions.

"Why do you say that?" He murmured, softly as their noses gently touched. His brown eyes quickly darkened as he saw her bite her soft pink lip.
She was finding it hard to talk when he looked at her like that, with such longing as she stared up at his darkened brown eyes.

"He has nice hair...." Teresa whispered, shakily as she shivered against the bedsheets.
"Says the girl who always runs her fingers through my hair...." Thomas whispered back, softly as he pressed a light kiss over a fading kiss mark from yesterday.

"I like your hair better...." She gasped, breathlessly as she felt herself lost in his brown eyes.
"Good...." He muttered, quietly as he pressed a soft kiss on her collarbone. His mouth started wandering downwards, greedily kissing the soft skin between her collarbone.

"Tom...." She moaned, loving his touch as she threaded her fingers through his brown hair.
"I don't like sharing you...." He murmured into her skin as he slightly pushed her shirt down, revealing more of her soft skin. His mouth started nipping lightly into her soft skin, leaving behind kiss marks in its trail.

"Are....are you jealous?" Teresa gasped, shakily as her eyes became heavy lidded.
"I am...." Thomas murmured, softly as he continued nipping lightly the soft skin near her bra strap.

"You left too many marks yesterday, Tom...." She moaned, feeling herself melt against him and saw her shirt pushed down from her shoulder.
"You liked it, Teresa...." He smirked into her skin as he remembered her red flushed cheeks and hidden smile on her face. Oh, she liked it.

"Shut up." She whispered, a small smile on her face as she gently tugged his hair, making Thomas laugh.
"Wouldn't you be jealous?" Thomas whispered back, quietly as he stroked a kiss mark with his thumb.

"I would be, Tom. So much that I would want to climb onto your lap and kiss you till we can't breathe anymore." Teresa muttered as she gritted her teeth at the thought. She noticed his brown eyes darkened at her response, making her shiver against the bedsheets as he silently stared at her.

She slowly sat up, her chest heaving as she climbed onto his lap and pressed a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth. He brought her closer to him, breathing shakily before he slanted his mouth against hers, hungrily. She moaned, returning the kiss with equal hunger as she ran her fingers through his hair.

His tongue desperately demanded more of her, loving her touch as he drowned in the intoxicating taste of her pink lips.

She tilted her head, moaning into his mouth as he deepened the kiss. Her fingers ran through his hair, causing it to become more messier as he slipped his large hand under her shirt. He groaned as she tilted her head and tasted more of her. They were breathing heavily, so lost in each other when their lungs suddenly demanded for air.

"I love you...." Teresa whispered, breathlessly as she stared into his darkened brown eyes. She was trying and failing to calm her breathing as she felt her pulse racing at their heated kiss.
"I love you too...." Thomas whispered back, slightly panting as he stared back at her. She was so beautiful, messy dark raven hair, red flushed cheeks and swollen pink lips.

"Time to get up. We have a busy day today, Tom." She spoke, softly as she got off his lap she was perched on. She quickly smoothed down her disheveled shirt due to his wandering hands and her cheeks flushed red again when she found more kiss marks he made.

He was desperately working on calming his own breathing as he continued to stare at her dazed. He snapped out of his lovestruck trance when he smirked at her discovery on her skin and watched her roll her eyes at him.

She could deny it all she wanted but he knew she liked it. He hoped that all their mornings were like this from now.

Author's Note: Please do comment what you think so far of the story. It really helps motivate me by hearing your thoughts. I'm hoping to update soon :)

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