𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚜

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It had been 4 months since Rhaegar and Felia got married and Naomi's birth. Everytime Rhaegar looked at Naomi, it felt like a second chance. Rhaegar had believed in reincarnation, he had felt that Naomi had his first child's spirit in her.

Felia looks outside to see Rhaegar planting crops with Naomi in his arms. She gazed at them for a short period of time, smiling and thanking the gods for the last couple of years for peace, it wouldn't be long though.

Rhaegar looks up at the girl, and smiles.

"You've been holding her for hours, Rhaegar."
Felia crosses her arms and grins.

"You'll get over it," Rhaegar said as he grins also, "Besides, she loves my crops."

Felia grabs her daughter and takes Rhaegar's hand to walk inside of their home.

Meanwhile Felia is nursing Naomi, Rhaegar gets a raven from Erin. They had been sending ravens back forth so Rhaegar can keep up with Westeros. Their wasn't much gossip in Dorne, so he didn't hear much.

The raven waits for its food and Rhaegar writes his letters. Erin had always felt like a grandmother to Rhaegar. When he was a boy, he would always see his Uncle Aemon and Erin walking and talking together. Rhaegar had always thought that they were in love. The old times felt like a fever dream.

It made Rhaegar feel worse that Erin was the only one left of House Bast. House Targaryen and Bast always had a good alliance, but Rhaegar realized it was coming to an end.

Rhaegar gave the raven the three letters, "Here little bird." He handed the letters and food to the bird, than it flew away.

"I was thinking we can make her last name Reid for now, until it gets safer." Felia stated while nursing her baby.

"I was thinking the same." Rhaegar turned around and sat next to Felia.

Felia groans in pain while holding her stomach.

"What is wrong, Felia?" Rhaegar put his hand over hers.

"my love, birthing her had just left some effects on my body." Felia was lying, the after-birth pain had went away while ago, she felt sick.

"For dinner, let's make your crop soup!" Felia suggested before Rhaegar can notice.

Rhaegar nodded his head.

Overtime, Felia's pain kept getting worse.
One day, Felia refused to eat, she would only accept water.

"Felia, you need to eat my love." Rhaegar insists.

"I can't.." Felia says with a low voice.

"Please Felia, for Naomi." He knew that bringing their daughter into this she would have to eat.

Felia had attempted to eat, but it would only stay in her system for so long. She had threw up in the bucket next to her. Rhaegar didn't know what to do. He was nervous, he didn't want to lose someone he loved again.

Felia tried to eat again, little by little. It stayed in her stomach. Rhaegar was relaxed, but not fully relieved. He knew that Felia was sick, really sick. He was by her side all the time, he wouldn't leave her.

Rhaegar was feeding Naomi from her crib by giving her soft and warm carrots. Naomi's plate was done, so Rhaegar put it on the counter.
Felia had woken up out of her slumber.

"Good Morning, Felia." Rhaegar had kissed her hand.

"Morning, my love." Felia had smiled slightly.

"I can fix you a plate if you'd like?" Rhaegar says as he points at the crops basket.

"Later, I feel to weak to eat." She stated, Rhaegar nodded his head.

"I'm sorry about your family, Rhaegar." Felia comforts.

"I have faith that my siblings are safe, and that I will see my little sister for the first time." Rhaegar says as he is on the verge of crying.

Felia puts her palm under his chin and raises his head up.

"You are right, just keep the faith in you my love."

Rhaegar takes her palms into his hands, "I love you, Felia."

Felia says the same 3 words back to Rhaegar, then they go on with the rest of their day.

The next morning, Rhaegar had gotten up from his bed. He was doing his daily morning routine. He had checked up on his daughter Naomi, who was already woken up from her slumber. He kissed her on the forehead, then headed for the dining room to say good morning to his beloved wife.

All Rhaegar could see was Felia's lifeless body lying down on the couch.

Rhaegar had ran to Felia. Rhaegar had instantly broke. Putting his hands on her cheeks, hoping for her to regain life.

"My love, why did you leave me?" Rhaegar had cried.

Rhaegar officially realizes that he has bad luck with love. He wanted to grow old with Felia, have her watch Naomi grow up. Rhaegar wanted to end it all, but he couldn't just yet.
The raven had come just in time. Rhaegar quickly wrote to Erin about the death of his lover.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛 | 𝗚.𝗢.𝗧Where stories live. Discover now