𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝙰𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛

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It was the next morning, and the Starks were officially united.

Naomi and Syra decided to leave early for Mereen, since Daenerys, Naomi's aunt, was queen.

Meanwhile, in Kingslanding, there had been a council meeting.

Tyrion walks in. "Killed a few puppies today?" he said while noticing Joffrey was angry and upset.

"Show him, now!" Joffrey demanded Grandmaster Pycelle.

He dropped the letter before he could hand it to Tyrion. "Sorry my lord, I'm an old man."

Tyrion nodded in annoyance, then picked up the letter. "Oh, turns out you didn't kill any puppies, they killed the enemy. What a shame."

"Argh! We need to fight harder!" Joffrey yelled.

"My son sits," Cersei said calmly. "You've fought hard."

"I AM THE KING!" he shouted.

Everyone knew this response was coming.

"Everyone is mine to torment, I want revenge and I want it NOW!" Joffrey emphasized.

"Your grace, we can't act now, the whole north is against us, and we need the seven kingdoms to agree with you." Tywin, Joffrey's grandfather declared.

"Who needs the north? It could be six kingdoms for all I care!" Joffrey slammed the table. "What about the dragon girl? Daenerys or whatever her name is."

"Daenerys, your grace," answered Varys.

"Have a letter sent to her claiming her alliance, or else she and Mereen will end up like Old Valyria," Joffrey commanded. "I swear it that anyone against us will end up with their heads on spikes!"

"That is right, my son." Cersei smiled.

"The bastard of Erin Bast, is she still living?" Joffrey asked Varys.

Lord Varys almost hesitated, "I am not sure, your grace." He said while lying.

"Well? Have your spiders or whatever you call them to figure it out!"

"Yes, your grace."

Tyrion rolls his eyes, "and what are you going to do with that little girl anyway?"

"Whatever I want," Joffrey smirked.

"You mean torture?" Tyrion said, "like with Sansa? Before she escaped? Not a good look nephew"

Tyrion took a sip of his wine while Joffrey got upset.

"Take the king to his chambers, he is tired." Tywin said to Cersei.

"Go on my child."

"I am not tired.." he whispered.

Cersei eventually convinced her son to exit the council meeting, then leaving none in the room.

Days later in Mereen, Daenerys is in the throne room along with some of her closest allies and friends, Missandei and Jorah Mormont.

Ser Barristen walks in, "your grace,"

"Hello, Ser Barristen." Daenerys smiles, then notices the letter in his hand. "And who may that be from?"

"Kingslanding, your grace." he walks up handing the message to her.

Daenerys reads the letter. "They want my alliance, and if I decline Mereen end up like Valyria?"

Ser Barristen nods.

"They tried to destroy my family's dynasty and now they want me to fight by their side, how hypocritical." she scoffed.

"It's Robert Baratheon's son, Joffrey." Jorah said.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛 | 𝗚.𝗢.𝗧Where stories live. Discover now