𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍

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Daenerys sits on the throne with Missandei, Jorah, Greyworm, and Ser Barristen beside her.

Jon walks in with Naomi and Ser Davos by his side. Along with Syra and Robb doing the same and Tyrion walking up to Daenerys.

"Nephew, " Daenerys said while Jon nodded. "and who are these men?"

"Robb Stark, King of The North," Robb said.

"Greetings. I know that Torrhen Stark swore an oath to my grandfather that the north was his, but I am willing to break that oath. Like how you said the king in the north, the north shall remain independent."

Syra smiled looking at Robb.

"And you?" Daenerys asked Ser Davos.

"Ser Davos Seaworth, your grace"

Daenerys bounced her head smiling.

"I know I am the rightful heir to the throne, but I don't want it." Jon said.

"I'm aware, both the Stark and House Targaryens dynasty will be great again. What was stolen from us will be ours again," responded Daenerys.

"That is why we need your alliance, to take back what's ours and for you to get the throne." Robb conceded.

"He is right, last time I witnessed Kingslanding, it was a hell hole." Tyrion agreed.

"Yes, but who said I was declining the alliance?"

Naomi knew her aunt agreed. Her hopes became worth it.

"So that's a yes?" Jon questioned.

Daenerys shook her head. "We ride for Kingslanding the next two fortnights."

In Kingslanding, Cersei looked outside of her window, witnessing the view of the kingdom, and the unsullied ships far ahead.
Jaime walks up to her.

"Cersei.." he said softly.

She turned around quickly and kissed him.

"I want to leave... with you.." Cersei said.

"But.. you're the queen?"

"I don't care, " Cersei said as she put Jaimes's hand on her stomach. "Our baby needs to live."

Jaime couldn't say a word, he felt puzzled.

"Say something," begged Cersei "please.."

"Let's leave, to Naath, " Jaime suggested. "It's abandoned, and there is room for us to start a family there again."

Cersei nodded. "We don't even have to live in war again."

"That's right." Jaime agreed with Cersei.

"Our families legacy.. it will fall." Cersei frowned.

Jaime put his hand on her cheek, "as long as we're together, the legacy will never fall."

The two siblings had gotten their items and discreetly took a ship and sailed for Naath. They both were never seen again.

Daenerys and her fleet were headed for Kingslanding. Naomi had ridden on Eloria racing the other dragons. When they arrived at the kingdom, they expected a war. But the civilians immediately surrendered.

Naomi's POV:

All I could hear was the shouting of people saying "she left us!" or "gain our trust please!"
I looked at the red keep expecting to see Cersei. I ride over there on Eloria to see, nowhere to be found. I knew right away that Cersei and Jaime couldn't stand to see the fall of their family or each other. I alert my aunt about the news. She then rides on Drogon in front of the civilians, they were frightened of course. She had gotten off of her dragon to calm the people down as they were begging for mercy. I saw her take children's hands as they were scared for their life. The soldiers were originally prepared to fight, but they kneeled, all of them. She then explained to the folk the truth, about me, and everything. I didn't expect this, but they cheered her on. The true queen they were begging for. I looked at Jon and Robb just to see how proud they are.

Hours later, my aunt ruled the seven kingdoms and brought justice. Robb, Syra, Jon, and I sailed back for Winterfell. Robb and Syra got married, gained the Stark last name, and became queen of the north. I reunited with the rest of the Stark children. Arya became an excellent sword fighter, she is even my new teacher. Sansa became a stylist and even made me a dress, it was my favorite color, teal. Bran and Rickon were still goofy as ever, even though Bran was a cripple. Lady Catelyn became the adviser for her son and his wife. She gives the best advice of course. My brother had found somebody, Ygritte. She was a wildling with beautiful red hair and she was sweet to me. Even though Jon broke the night's watch oath, the rest didn't care anymore. Missandei, Ser Jorah, Lord Tyrion, and Lord Varys became a part of my aunt's council meetings, and Ser Barristan became the Queensguard. Everyone lived happily, especially me. All I ever wanted was to have the Targaryen name rise again and the seven kingdoms live at peace. There are still some equations to be solved, but I knew my aunt would find a way.

Weeks later, I arrived back from Winterfell. I see my aunts dragons flying through the sky, i let Eloria go join them. I then walk into the throne room and the first thing I see is my aunt on the iron throne with Ser Barristen in his armor.

"Aunt Dany!" I said with joy.

She had gotten up from her chair with happiness on her face. "My dearest niece."

We hugged eachother. I then waved to Ser Barristen with a smile, he did the same.

"How is everyone?" She asked.

"Actually, their is lots to catch up on. Robb and Syra had wedded and now she has a babe in her stomach." I laughed.

"Is that so?" She grinned.

I nodded as we both burst out into laughter.

Aunt Dany turns to Ser Barristan. "We are going to walk through the gardens."

"Do you need me to come along?" he asked.

She then turned her head to me. "No, I have my niece right here."

I smiled very wide.

We arrive at the garden.

I start the conversation. "Aunt Dany, are you ever going to wed?"

"I've thought about that, but I think not." Dany sighed.

"Then who is going to rule after you!" I questioned.

"You are my next heir, sweetheart."

I was dazed. How can I rule the seven kingdoms?


"No "buts", you are the one I chose." she interrupted.

"Why me?" I asked.

She stopped the walk and turned my direction. "There is something about you, my dragon."

I let her finish her explanation.

"You are the reason that our legacy is rising again." my aunt smirked as if she was proud. Our dragons then flew past our heads making our hair flow.

"Now, let's get back. We have work to do" she exclaimed.

As we were walking back to the castle, I thought to myself, how am I going to deal with my enemies? Then, I reminded myself out of the Targaryens house words.

𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛 | 𝗚.𝗢.𝗧Where stories live. Discover now