𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛

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Naomi and Syra are walking through the paths of Ryland, along with Eloria and Felia.

"Felia is growing." Syra says.

"I know, Erin used to tell me that the red fox can grow bigger than a dire wolf." Naomi agreed.

Syra opened her eyes wide. "It can?"

Naomi rolls her eyes then laughs, "I don't know silly, but let's hope so."

A raven interrupts the walk with a letter. Eloria cawed after the raven dropped the letter, scaring it away.

"Eloria!" Naomi yelled.

"You cannot train a dragon, Naomi."

"I know I know, but she just cannot scare others, for now."

Naomi then notices the letter and picks it up.

"Who is it?" Syra snooped.

"Lord Varys.." Naomi voice went down.

"Naomi, be careful." Syra warned.

"What? I know he cannot be trustworthy himself, but his spiders never lie." Naomi shook her head.

"Ugh." Syra put her head up.

"Hello Naomi Targaryen, it seems to be that the long summer is over, and that your Erin Bast is dead. I send my regards for your loss. I am not sure if you've heard, but the "War of the five Kings" has been going on for awhile. Robb Stark is now apparently King of the North. I figured you guys might be close. Now, if somebody ever found out that I sent this letter, my head would be on the gates of Kingslanding, but believe me I want to help a young ruler like you. House Frey, Bolton, and Karstark are going to betray Robb, king Joffrey and the Lannisters planned on it. A wedding is going to happen at House Frey soon, probably in the later fortnights. I suggest you get there soon. I know you are a Targaryen, Lady Bast and I were close, and she wanted me to keep you safe. Don't believe me, go into her locket box. And before this letter ends, your aunt Daenerys Targaryen is alive, but with three dragons. Whoever, she is not currently in the Seven Kingdoms. I hope this letter helped you, sincerely, Lord Varys." Naomi read the letter.

Naomi and Syra then looks up with an uneasy face at each other.

"I have to help Robb." Insisted Naomi.

"What about your aunt?" Syra said while being demented.

"She is not even in the Seven Kingdoms, ROBB IS." Naomi emphasis.

Naomi ran to Erins room along with Syra, Eloria, and Felia following her.

Naomi had seen the locket box then opened it.

"So it is true." Naomi stood up.

"He did know her?" Syra closed the door behind her.

"Yes, her diary, and my parents letters are all in here. I could use them all us proof to later on prove to my aunt that I am her niece, but first I need to help Robb, come on!" Naomi grabbed Syras hand and walked out of Erins room.

"Are we going to ignore that your aunt has three dragons?" Syra said excitingly while holding Naomi's hand.

Naomi smiled. "What's a Targaryen without a dragon?"

"A boring person." They both laughed.

"Are you going to save Robb?" Syra asked concerned.

"I hope.." Naomi looked at the ground and stopped walking.

"Hey, you are going to be successful in the wars to come." Syra holds Naomi's palms tightly while giving her hope.

"What if I don't?" Naomi let go.

Syra sighed, then grabbed the meat from Naomi's pocket to give to her animals.

"Hey!" Naomi said.

Syra pointed to the dragon and fox. "You see? Those creatures will turn bigger than you'd imagine, and it's not an "if" it's a "when."

Naomi hugs Syra. "You always know the right thing to say to me, how?"

"Because Bast' are like Targaryens, high tempered and always get what they desire, except you are not that high tempered." Said Syra.

They both laughed and walked up to the chambers.

Naomi and Syra knits and Naomi practices with her sword.

"You know, we never talk about your house Syra, so let's talk about it." Naomi said while sword fighting with the air.

Syra looks up from her knitting. "Oh no, I'm not much of a talker, especially if it's about my family."

"Nope, how is your father, Ser Jorah?" Naomi put down her sword.

"Hmph, who knows where, and I don't even know where my mother is either ever since she sent me to Ryland years back, but my grandfather is Lord Commander at the nights watch.

"So is my brother!" Naomi forgot her words.

"Pardon my lady, your brother?" Syra stood up.

"Oh, I didn't tell you." Naomi sat down.

"Jon Snow and I share the same father, I am only supposed to share this with family but they are miles away from me."

Naomi noticed Syra was about to scream but cover her mouth so shouldn't couldn't. "Oh my! Have you seen the Stark family?" Syra grinning widely.

"Yes, and-" before Naomi could finish, she had seen Robb and his banner man outside. "Robb! Come on let's go!" Naomi shouted to her friend and animals.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛 | 𝗚.𝗢.𝗧Where stories live. Discover now