𝙱𝚎 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍

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It had been minutes after Robb left Ryland for his camp. Naomi and Syra were in Syra's chamber.

"Are we going to dismiss what happened in the courtroom with you and Robb?" Naomi mentioned.

"It's nothing." Syra looked up from her book.

"You aren't fooling anyone, I had seen you blushing at his comments." Naomi rolled her eyes.

"This is war, Naomi, he doesn't have time for love." Syra looked at the ceiling in disappointment.

Naomi crawls next to her best friend. "There is always love involved in a war, always."

Naomi could tell the disappointment in Syra's eyes. "I have a suggestion."

"What?" Syra turned to Naomi.

"Marry him." Naomi smiled.

"I just encountered him!" Syra said while being slightly outraged.

"For alliance purposes Syra!" Naomi proposed. "And how old are you?"

"Seventeen.." Syra sighed.

"You are old enough to wed, but only if you want to, it's your decision fully." Noami hugged her friend.

"I am not letting the north be crushed by some Southerners." Syra said, "Do you think he'll like me?"

"I know Robb and the way he looked at you was different than he looked at anyone," Naomi assured.

Syra smiled and sighed in relief.

Two days later, three days before the fallout, Naomi had ridden Felia and brought Eloria to Robbs camp.

Naomi and her animals arrived at the front waiting for the king.

A guard comes up. "My lady," he said nervously looking at the fox and dragon. "I will get the king for you."

Naomi nodded.

Robb soon came out of his tent. "M'lady!"

Naomi had gotten off Felia. "Hello, your grace."

"You came early, we move the camp to the Freys tomorrow in first daylight."

"I know, but I am here to ask you something," Naomi said.


"This is for alliance purposes only your grace and I know that you two had only known each other for a day,"

"Stop babbling and tell me." Robb laughed.

"Are you willing to marry Syra Mormont?" Naomi asked nervously.

"Uhm, wow.." Robb sputtered his words.

"I know it is way too soon but there are lots of Mormont soldiers willing to sacrifice their life for the North," Naomi spoke fast. "Sorry.."

"No no, it's alright." Robb patted Naomi's shoulder. "Is she alright with it?"

"Yes," Naomi replied. "She'd love to fight alongside you."

Robb blushed and Naomi noticed.

"Well first we have to win this fallout, then marry." Robb arranged.

Naomi nodded her head agreeing with Robb.
"I'll let everyone at Ryland know."

"Thank you, lady Targaryen," Robb smirked.

Naomi waved her hand while riding off on Felia and having Eloria fly.

Naomi then arrived back at Ryland.

"Open the gates!" One of the guards called out.

Syra was waiting desperately for a reply back from Robb. "What did he say?"

Naomi jumped off Felia. "Yes, he said yes."

Syra smiled, then did the opposite.

"What is wrong?" Naomi questioned.

"What if I am not good enough?" Syra implored Naomi.

"As I said, he will love you, and probably not just for alliance purposes."

The two girls laugh then continue their day.

It had been one day before the fallout, Naomi and Syra had gotten the soldiers ready and prepared for battle. Both Felia and Eloria were growing rapidly by day in Naomi's eyes. This was Naomi's first time in battle, she did not want anyone to die. Naomi knew her plans after this, to find her other family. She hadn't heard a thing from Jon at all, neither Sansa nor Arya. She also needed her aunt, Daenerys. Naomi needed every ally she can get to take down the Lannisters, every last one of them.

While Naomi was stuck in her thoughts, Syra came out from behind and put her hand on her shoulder, jump scaring Naomi.

"Are you alright?" Syra asked suspicioned.

"Um, yes Syra." Naomi smiled hiding her frightened face.

"Ok, " Syra said, "we are heading out in a few, you should get ready."

"You are right, I will meet by the gates." Naomi sighed.

Syra nodded.

Naomi practices her sword fighting on a dirt sack. All of a sudden, Naomi gets furious. She starts swinging the sword rapidly to end up the sword into the sack of all of the dirt on the ground. Naomi has tears coming out of hers. She was more stressed than she had ever been.

"Naomi!" Syra calls and runs to her.

Syra grabs her friend before falling to the ground, with the tears getting on her dress.

"Syra... I don't know what to do anymore." Naomi sobbed.

"It's alright Naomi, you are alright," Syra said as she hugged Naomi tightly.

"I want my parents Syra," Naomi whispered. "please don't leave me, I cannot lose anyone else."

"That's never going to happen, you hear me?"

Naomi nodded while being more relieved.

The horns made noise, alerting that it was time for them to leave into the battle. "Come on, the north needs to be saved," Syra said.

The two girls went to the front gates and got on their horses. Eloria and Felia were in big enough cages so they can get rest.

Hours later, they arrived at the Freys.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛 | 𝗚.𝗢.𝗧Where stories live. Discover now