𝙸𝚝 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚎..?

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Naomi's POV:

How can a village in the North support a Targaryen? My grandfather burned their lords and enjoyed it? Is it because Erin trusted me? I had to answer these questions today. I'm only 14, how could someone think that a girl like me could rule so young?


Naomi's servants dressed her and did her hair. Naomi had a blank face, until she had grew a smile and had seen her dragon and Felia playing with each other.

One of the servants walk in. "My lady, someone is here for you."

"Bring them in." Naomi exhaled.

Naomi turns around, it turns to be one of Naomi's closest friend in Ryland, Syra Mormont.

"Syra!" Naomi runs to her for a bear hug. I haven't seen you in forever! I thought you'd gone to Kings Landing for your mother?"

"Plans change, good friend." Syra smiled.
"Where's your mother?"

Naomi's smile faded. "She was murdered."

"Oh my, Naomi.." Syra put her hand on Naomi's palms.

"And Syra, she wasn't my mother." Naomi makes way for Syra to see her dragon and fox.

"Y-your a Targaryen and a Reid?" Syra stuttered. "I-it doesn't make sense?"

"I'll explain later, that's why I'm getting dressed, to explain to the people who want answers."

Naomi held her dragon in her arms and walked close to Srya, allowing her to pet her.

"Eloria, that's her name." Naomi smiled.

The dragon felt comforted as Syra pet her head.

Syra was amazed. "How was she born?"

"Her egg brought me into the fire, but I didn't burn, before I thought her egg was just stone by now." Naomi looked up at Syra.

Syra looked back, to then look at fox. "What about him? Or her.."

Naomi chuckles, "her name is Felia, after my mother."

"I like that name." Grinned Syra.

Before they could say another word, a servant walks in. "My lady, the townsfolk are ready."

"Alright, take my friend outside in front." Naomi demanded.

Syra looked at Naomi in confusion.

Naomi hugged Srya. "You'll see me in a second." She whispered.

Syra put gave her a hug in return, to then leave with the servant.

Naomi turned back to her animals, "when I go out there, both of you will be my side, and don't kill anyone."

Naomi walked out of her castle heading to the stage with Eloria and Felia, noticing everyone staring at them.

Naomi took a deep breath, preparing herself. "Hello, people of Ryland, I know you are all here for answers, and I am going to give them to you." Naomi looked at the crowd seeing the mixed emotions on their faces.

"I was born in Dorne, my father was Rhaegar Targaryen, and my mother was Felia Reid. My mother had me and then both parents had gotten married. Then my mother died from some type of sickness. Lady Bast had saved me from being harmed by Robert Baratheon when he invaded Dorne. My father was taken and executed."

The crowd of Ryland gasps at her statements. They couldn't believe what they had heard, neither could Syra.

But Naomi wasn't finished. "Erin Bast took me as one of her own. She claimed me as her bastard so I could be safe. We had went to Winterfell to honor the Starks, as you may know, the Lannisters and Baratheon's visited Winterfell as well. The Lannisters had sent a man to originally kill Catelyn and Bran Stark, but Erin Bast was stabbed in the heart."

Ryland looked at each other with furious looks on their faces. "We need to take revenge into our hands!" One of Ryland civilians shouted.
"Yeah!" The rest agreed.

"Now now, we can't have war come to Ryland, nor the whole North itself." Naomi attempted to calm everyone down.

Syra raised her hand.

Naomi noticed.  "Yes Syra?"

"My lady, the people in the South won't last in the North, winter is coming."

Naomi nods her head to Syra's saying. "You are correct, they won't, but they'll try to find someone who can"

Syra understood.

"Ryland is not that big and we only have nearly 500 soldiers, but you guys are still my people and I am not putting all of you in danger." Naomi said. "My animals may get bigger overtime, but we cannot relay on it."

The crowd agreed while nodding their heads.

"Ryland had raised me, and I trust all of you. But you cannot say a word. Right now, I'm still Lady Bast."

The crowd cheered her on and Eloria cawed on Naomi's shoulders.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛 | 𝗚.𝗢.𝗧Where stories live. Discover now