𝙴𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚄𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍

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Naomi and Syra had walked up to open the gates with some of the animals by their side and Ryland bowing to the king of the north.

"Your Grace," Naomi said after kneeling.

"My lady." Robb nodded.

Robb then reached out for a hug to Naomi then gave her a pat on the back. "How have you been?"

Naomi let go. "Perfect!"

Robbs POV:

"You've grown up," I said.

"Yes, and so have my creatures." Naomi pointed.

There it was, a dragon I first see, then a red fox and both seem to get bigger every day.

"Oh, um wow." I cleared my dry throat.

"Don't be scared, they won't hurt anyone, your grace." Naomi turned to her animals.

Naomi signals a girl to come out from the crowd and turns out to be the most beautiful girl I've seen. Dark hazel eyes and long soft brunette blondish hair. I couldn't say a word, I was baffled by her beauty.

The girl bowed "Syra of House Mormont, your grace."

"Pleasure to meet you, my lady." I walked up to her and kissed her hand attempting to flatter her.


Robb then again walks up to Naomi. "I don't have much time and I've got to head back to camp, but I wanted to invite you to my uncle's wedding, you should come."

Naomi completely forgot about that soon-to-be disaster. "Oh my Robb, I've meaning to chat with you about that."

Robb noticed the uneasy look then signals his man to wait outside the gates and go to the courtroom with Syra and the animals following.

They walk into the court with just the three of them.

"Are you sure I'm not interrupting, my lady and your grace?" Syra checked.

"Oh no, you're perfect." Robb stuttered. "I mean, your good."

Syra blushed.

Naomi rolls her eyes while giggling. "Anyway, about the wedding."

"Yes?" Robb got his focus off Syra.

"Lord Varys sent me a letter," Naomi said as she pulled out the letter.

"Can you even trust him? He works for the Lannisters." Robb took the letter from Naomi's hand.

"Just read it, your grace."

Robb reads the letter while his face gets red. "No... they bent the knee... They had sworn an oath!"

"The Bolton's and Frey's want to take over house Stark, but sometimes you cannot trust one another." Naomi sighed.

Robb put his hand over his face in stress. "I didn't marry his daughter, I promised him I would."

"Hmph, I wouldn't want to marry a Frey." Naomi crossed her arms.

"May I speak?" Syra broke her silence.

"Of course Syra, you don't have to ask." Naomi greeted.

"I might have a plan."

"What is it?" Robb asked.

"Well first, when is the wedding your grace?" Syra looked up at Robb.

"Five fortnights away, my lady."

Syra exhaled. "Well that isn't much of the time that I'd hoped for but it's enough. The Boltons and Freys think they have you fooled, but it's the opposite. Before any blood appears Eloria will come in, and burn every traitor in seconds."

"Eloria isn't big enough for me to ride yet." Naomi looked at her dragon. "And how do I get her to burn fire?"

"I knew you would ask that my lady." Syra smiled in confidence then grabbed an apple and an old book. This is the Valyrian language."

"It's supposed to be my mother tongue?" Naomi realized.

"Yes," Syra responded.

Syra put the apple on the table. "Call Eloria and have her fly."

"Fly Eloria," Naomi called for her dragon calmly.

Robb still couldn't process the existence of the dragon. Syra points to a word to have her friend say.

"Dracarys." Naomi pronounced.

Eloria burned the apple into bits while leaving the humans shocked.

"Seven hells!" Robb said while being slightly distressed.

"That will be way more of gore with humans," Syra said while putting the fire out.

"What if they try to hurt her?" Naomi implied.

"They will not know what's coming, and do they have the weapons to take a dragon out?" Syra looked at both Naomi and Robb.

"She has a point, my lady," Robb admitted.

"Ok but what about Felia? What is she going to do?"

"Kill. Do you see how big she is? The sharp teeth and claws? She is even a little bit bigger than Eloria." Syra explains.

"I can ride on her too." Naomi pets her fox, Syra bobbed her head.

"Thank you for warning me, Naomi." Robb had thanked.

"Of course, you're family Robb, and your father would've been proud of you." Naomi welcomed and grieved.

Robb nods his head to the message.

Robb turned to gaze at Syra. "And thank you Syra, for planning all of this out on such short notice."

"We know no king, but the king in the north whose name is Stark." Syra quoted. "I am always here if you need me, your grace."

Robb smiled. "Well I better get going, this intell will be useful with my soldiers"

"Good, I will bring 100 of my soldiers in the next fortnight's before the fallout." Naomi declared. "Next time, your grace."

Robb shook his head then turned to Syra giving her a nod as well. Syra glimmered while smiling at the man.

Robb and his bannerman soon left Ryland.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛 | 𝗚.𝗢.𝗧Where stories live. Discover now