𝚅𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚒𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 𝚢𝚎𝚝..

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While the Mormont and Bast soldiers were hiding and somehow unnoticeable, Naomi had snuck in first to spectate the feast. She had seen Lady Catelyn. Naomi's face lit up knowing she hadn't seen her in forever. Naomi saw the suspicious behavior of the man talking to Catelyn while her facial expression slowly changing. Naomi knew it was time. She signals the soldiers that they are about to attack and that they need to release Felia and Eloria. The two animals come to their owner at once. Naomi rides on Felia and Eloria follows while flying. Half of the soldiers follow Naomi, then the others are on their way to execute the traitors. The dining room is full of Frey and Bolton men, but now a bigger population. Naomi and her men barge into the feast. Naomi knew that Eloria knew that she had to target only the traitors but not the Starks nor the Stark soldiers.

"Dracarys," Naomi shouted. "Your grace and my lady, move!" she said referring to Robb and Catelyn.

Naomi turns her head to Walder Frey seeing him attempting to evacuate the fallout.
"Attack!" Naomi tells her fox. While Felia runs to Walder killing him with her sharp teeth and claws, Naomi jumps off and gets ready to kill the unburnt betrayers with her sword.
She then sees Robb and his mother struggling to evacuate while the soldiers and fire were getting in their way. Naomi ran over the burnt human bodies to get to the Starks, then all of a sudden, she sees a person behind Robb. That person turned out to be Lord Bolton. Before Naomi could call the warn Robb, the lord suddenly stops moving and falls to the floor.

Robb turned around after hearing the body thud behind him, then looked up at the girl, it was Syra. 

"Syra?" Robb said being shocked.

Syra put down her knife by her waist. "Your grace."

Robb smiled then remembered a battle was still happening. He grabs Syra and Catelyn's hand then sees Naomi fighting off Bolton soldiers, with Eloria burning and Felia clawing.

"We need to help her, now!" Robb told the ladies.

All three run towards Naomi helping her fight. This fallout felt more than just minutes to them, it felt like hours. Eventually, the fallout finishes. All everyone could see was the slaughtered and burnt bodies of enemies.

They walk out of the dining room just to see more dead bodies. The Mormont, Stark, and Bast soldiers were all huddled up around Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, and the hound.

"My dearest girls." Catelyn ran up to her daughters.

"Mother.." Sansa cried.

Catelyn notices the scars on Sansa. "What have you done to my daughter!" she ran up to the hound, but Sansa stopped her.

"It was Joffrey, not him, mother." Sansa defended.

Catelyn looked back at her first daughter, holding her cheeks. "I swear to you, he will pay."

Naomi walked up to the Stark girls while giving them hugs.
"He will, my dragon is big enough to fly on. I will ride to my aunt and gain her alliance."

"How will she know that you're her blood?" Robb barged into the conversation.

"I have the letters from my father, mother and Erin. Also, my creatures." Naomi stated. "I am leaving tomorrow, at nightfall."

"What! You can't!" Arya ran to her.

"You are with your family now, it's time I get to mine." Naomi smiled while holding the girl's hand.

Hours later they all arrived go Winterfell, being late at night.

Naomi was sitting in her chamber, planning out her adventure. Syra knocks.

"Come in!" Naomi told.

Syra walked in with a slight smile closing the door. "I'm coming with you." she immediately said.

"Syra, no." Naomi stood up.

"Yes, I am." Syra defended.

"You're wed with Robb is in a couple of fortnights." Naomi reminded her friend.

"I know, I love Robb. But I stuck by your side first." Syra said.

"Its not about sides, in the real world it doesn't matter, my friend." Naomi said while being brutally honest.

Naomi noticed the look on her friend's face, knowing there was another reason.

"You want to see your father, don't you?" realized Naomi.

Syra nodded.

Naomi sighed, then turned around facing the fireplace. "Fine, but you have to tell Robb, he will understand."

"Of course I will." Syra agreed.

"Once we come back, you are marrying him."

Syra chuckled. "If I don't die."

Naomi did the same. "Yes, let's hope not, goodnight my friend."

Both girls gave one another a hug, sleeping in their guest chambers.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛 | 𝗚.𝗢.𝗧Where stories live. Discover now