𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚃𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐!

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It had been days since Naomi's and Syra's arrival to Mereen. They haven't gone out, as usual, only to check up on the dragons. Eloria had gotten used to sharing a dungeon with Daenerys' dragons.

Naomi's POV:

I fought all my life to get here, to be with my blood. My aunt had a precious soul, I hope it never gets destroyed. She has me and Syra by her side when the Mereen folk come to ask for requests from their queen. It's often boring, but I keep my mouth shut. I'm fifteen now and I honestly don't feel any different than I did three years ago. Besides the family reunions, foxes, and dragons. I am really worried about my brother. He is a warrior and will never back down from a fight, and I have faith in him. Syra and Robb have been sending letters back to back almost every day. It's honestly gotten annoying how Syra talks about him every minute, but it's true love I guess. Today we were in the throne room, and I've witnessed something that I wouldn't expect.


"Thank you, your grace." The man asking for more goats said.

Daenerys shook her head with a neutral facial expression.

"You aren't tired?" Naomi said out of boredom.

"A queen like me never gets tired." Daenerys chuckled.

Ser Barristan walks in. "Greetings, your grace."

"Ser Barristan, hello."

"A royal from Kingslanding is here to see you, let me know if you want him executed," he said while bringing the man in.

Naomi instantly recognized the dwarf, Tyrion Lannister. Naomi walks up to the dwarf while getting close to killing him with her sword,

"Naomi!" Daenerys shouted. "Don't."

Naomi looked back at her aunt with a frustrated face, then looking at Tyrion.

"Naomi Snow!" Tyrion said. "It's been a while, aye?"

Naomi ignored him walking back to Daenerys.

"You're Tyrion Lannister?" Daenerys inquired.

"Yes, your grace." Tyrion nodded.

"If you are, why shouldn't I kill you for what you did to my family?"

"I'm aware of the fact that you want revenge against the Lannisters, " Tyrion meant to finish his sentence before Naomi could stop him.


"Naomi!" Daenerys stood up. "Stop this at once."

Naomi was frustrated, how could she keep the peace with a Lannister?

"Yes, I might have. I killed both my mother and father and mother. I am basically the greatest Lannister killer of all time."

"You want to be in my service because you murdered members of your own family?" Daenerys scoffed at Tyrion.

Tyrion sighed, "King Joffrey is dead and so are my father and niece. My family is crumbling and wants me dead. And we've just met, it's too soon to know that I'm worthy."

"If you want to go back to the fighting pits, just say the word," Daenerys mumbled.

Tyrion then gave a speech reasoning his presence. Naomi began to admire his wisdom but still had the urge to kill him. Daenerys accepted his service. Naomi knew that her aunt was testing the newcomer, that's one of the things that she loves about being a Targaryen. They know how to play their cards right.

"And Naomi," Tyrion turned his direction, "I didn't have anything to do with your mothers' death, trust me I wish it didn't happen."

Naomi sighed then turned to her aunt. Signaling for permission, to tell the truth. She gains permission.

"She wasn't my mother."

Tyrion had the most confusing look ever. "How so?"

"My parents were Rhaegar Targaryen and Felia Reid. After they died Erin Bast took me as her bastard."

"Oh well, that's news. I'm sorry." Tyrion sympathized.

"No need to be sorry. Your family's dynasty will come to an end anyway." Naomi said to Tyrion as she walked out.

"Your niece is a beast." Tyrion said to Daenerys.

"Don't ever speak on my niece." Daenerys defended, "Or else I'll have her execute you, or maybe her dragon and gigantic red fox will instead."

Tyrion sighed. "Apologies, your grace."

Weeks passed by. Everyone learned to gain Tyrions trust. Then Lord Varys came along. He and Naomi had conversations about Erin Bast and how he knew about what was supposed to be "The Red Wedding" for Robb. Daenerys earned her ships for her army to sail to Dragonstone, which was an island apart of the Targaryens origin. They've been there for about a week, planning the land for Kingslanding.

Naomi's POV:

Syra was so eager to see Robb. She couldn't wait till this war was over so she could we'd him, and gain his family's trust and the Stark last name. The one thing I couldn't wait for is to see my brother again, but oh little did I know.

I stood in my chamber looking out the window of boredom, counting to one hundred and repeating the process over again. All of a sudden I see some boats in the distance. I got curious and ran to Syras chamber to where she was knitting and convinced her to come down to the beach with me. We see Tyrion, Missandei, and some of the unsullied men rallied up. Then what my friend and I been hoping to see for weeks came true, my brother and Robb arrived.

"Jon!" I yelled as I ran up to my brother.

"Little sister, "  Jon replied as he hugged me back. "It's been a while, you've grown up so much."

"So has your beard." I said and laughed.

I then turn around to Robb and gave him greetings as well. I opened the path for him to see Syra.

Robb fast-walked to his future wife. "Syra.."

Syra smiled, "I've missed you, so so much that you don't get it."

Robb chuckles softly. "Oh, I understand."

They both kiss one another. I puked in my mouth.

"Now, where's our aunt?" Jon asked.

"Right this way." Tyrion said while making a path.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛 | 𝗚.𝗢.𝗧Where stories live. Discover now