Part 2

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"I hate that I had to put you in the trunk, but you never know if someone would've seen you." Jonathan said as he grabbed Ava's lifeless body from out of the trunk and started walking with her in his arms to the building that he parked his car in front.

"but soon, that won't matter." Jonathan said as he opened the door to the house and placed her on the couch.

"thank god I'm more prepared than I was yesterday though." Jonathan said as he smiled as went to the fridge, opening it and grabbed a blood bag, amongst all the others that filled the fridge.

"we are going to have so much fun Ava, just like the old days." Jonathan said as he opened the blood bag and drained it quickly as his eyes turned black.

"alright now that I'm ready, let's get this show on the road, shall we!" Jonathan said with a laugh as he slit his wrist and pressed it to Ava's mouth letting the blood drip into her mouth as Jonathan noticed that the color in her skin was starting to change.

"where am I?" Ava said as she clutched her head as she took her surroundings in.

The first thing that she noticed was the mass amount of palm trees.

"well, definitely in Beverly Hills. And this seems to be the nicest place to be in pain." Ava said to herself as she took in the huge mansion in front of her as she walked up the steps to the house.

"should I knock or?" Ava asked to herself.

"Ava? Is that you? Why are you outside?" a voice from inside said as Ava opened the door and couldn't stop looking all around at the house.

"holy shit! This place is freakin' amazing." Ava said as she looked at all the décor.

"it's like walking through a damn museum!" Ava said to herself as she caught a figure in her peripheral vision.

"what are you doing standing by the door?" the person said as Ava looked the man up and down immediately had to stop the urge to pounce on him.

"are you ok?" the man asked as Ava couldn't stop looking him up and down.

"not exactly, kind of forgot how to breathe for a second there." Ava replied with a laugh as the man smiled at her.

"good to know that I have that effect on you still after all these years." He replied with a smile as he leaned down to kiss her.

"what are you talking about?" Ava said stopping him.

"what we've been together for over 20 years." Paul said as Ava stepped back from him.

"Paul? Is that you?" Ava asked in shock.

"yeah. Why do you sound so shocked? You know that I have to keep up this façade just in case there are paparazzi." Paul said with furrowed brows.

"no, it's just that, wow. This is what you would look like if you could age. Like damn your fine!" Ava said as she stepped closer to him.

"nice to know that you still think I look good." Paul said with a smile as he grabbed Ava by the waist and pulled her closer to him and kissed her.

"why, exactly do you have to keep this whole look going?" Ava asked curious.

"well, I can't pass as myself, well the way I looked in the 70s I mean its 1990 for god's sake" Paul said with a laugh.

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