Part 30

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"Ava!" Paul shouted as Ava turned around and saw that Paul had fallen behind, and managed to fall to the ground.

"Shit!" Ava said as she ran back to help him up in a standing position, as he slumped over on her, as Ava felt all of Paul's weight on her.

"Paul, come on. You have to stay awake, we're almost there." Ava said as she looked at Paul's face, as it rested on her shoulder, as she shook him.

"I know, I'm trying..." Paul said as his voice trailed off weakly, as Ava wrapped her arm around his side and started walking slowly towards the car.

"All we have to do is get you to the car, and wait, your ring is going to help." Ava said more to herself to calm herself down, as she opened the passenger side door and placed Paul inside the car, as he groaned at the movement, while he pressed his hand against the bleeding wound on his side.

"your going to have to get the bullet out first" Paul said as Ava sighed, as she closed the door of the car and flashed over to the other side, and got into the drivers seat.

"I know, but right now we have to get enough space between us and them before I can even think about stopping. Just remember to keep applying pressure." Ava said as she turned the key, as the car roared to life, as she shifted it from neutral into first gear as they started driving away, all the while Ava was checking the rearview mirror.

"you had to drive this car, of all cars..." Paul said as he started laughing to himself, but ended up coughing.

"Paul, don't try and make jokes right now, without this car, we wouldn't be able to get away from them as fast." Ava said and waited for a response as she glanced over at the passenger seat and saw that Paul was slumped over the seat.

"they just had to shoot you in the stomach." Ava said as she took her hand off the shifter to be able to move Paul into a sitting position.

"PAUL! PAUL!" Ava said as she tried to use her free hand to try and shake Paul awake, as she quickly down shifted and put the car into park.

"Paul, please wake up." Ava said as she placed one hand on his wound to try and stop the bleeding as she felt stinging in her eyes, as she moved her other hand to the back of Paul's neck to prop him up, as she looked down at his hand and saw that his ring, the ring that her friend Luna had made him, wasn't shining and was a dull purple color, and not helping to heal him.

"your so going to bitch me out later for this..." Ava said as she opened the glove compartment and got out a mini-repair kit for the car, and pulled out the tool kit, specifically the screwdriver, as she moved Paul's shirt up to expose the gunshot wound as she inserted the screwdriver and tried to pry the bullet out, as she heard an engine come up behind them.

"motherfucker!" Ava shouted out of frustration as she finally felt the screwdriver come into contact with the bullet and removed it, as she looked at the ring, and saw that it was now glowing purple, and saw that color was starting to come back to Paul's face.

Just as Ava was about the restart the car, she looked in the rearview mirror and saw that the car was just behind them.

"well nothing like the last second..." Ava said as she restarted the car, and shifed into first gear and pressed into the gas, but wasn't moving, as she looked into the rearview mirror and saw that the black car had stopped right behind them, as she looked out the windshield and saw him holding their car back.

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