Part 24

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 Dear Diary,

It's been a couple months since I've written. Since Paul left. The day after, Jonathan and I left Luna's house since it felt odd being there without her. I don't know if Jonathan is reading this after I get done writing in it, but I don't care. I miss Paul, I do. And I know that what Alpha Paul did was for the best, because we did getting into a relationship quickly, even if we have been together for a couple years now. I just hope that he's adjusting well, since everyone in my family pretty much up and left when they knew that I was okay due to Jonathan being around, which I understand. They don't trust him, frankly I'm watching myself around him to, I'm just waiting for him to up and change and be like how he was when he first reemerged back into my life but it hasn't happened yet.

When I'm not absorbed in trying to track Luna, I've caught word through the tabloids that Paul seems to already be in a relationship with someone, which I have to say was fast, but even before I was with him I knew that he was the type of person that was about being in a relationship, when he wasn't having one night stands with girls that he would pickup after concerts, that is. No, I'm not writing it in a condescending way, I'm just writing the truth, ok maybe a little condescending since like that was quick.

"Ava what are you doing?" Jonathan asked as Ava stopped writing.

"doing what you've asked me to do since Paul left, write." Ava said as she dropped the pen out of her hand as it thudded against the journal pages, as Ava turned and looked behind her at Jonathan.

"oh cause from where I'm standing it looked like you were slowly getting pissed off." Jonathan said in his English accent that in Ava's eyes made anything his said sounded more eloquent, which just pissed her off more.

"oh shut up!" Ava said as she got up from her chair and walked out of the room as Jonathan rolled his eyes.

"you were looking at those tabloids, weren't you?" Jonathan asked as he appeared behind Ava as she walked into the kitchen, as she didn't reply.

"I'm taking your silence as a yes." Jonathan said as he opened the fridge and grabbed a blood bag as he popped off the top and started drinking from it, as he closed the fridge and he was met with Ava's glaring face.

"yes I saw the tabloids. what have I told you about drinking around me?" Ava asked as veins appeared under her eyes as she clenched her jaw at the smell of the blood.

"What? I'm not going to just stop because you've decided to go cold turkey. And you know its just going to keep Paul in your head if you keep on buying those trashy magazines." Jonathan said in a slight scolding tone.

"why the hell did I stay with you exactly?" Ava asked more to herself than to Jonathan.

"because you think I'm adorable" Jonathan said as Ava growled.

"your anything but, believe me." Ava said as she turned away as she opened up one of the magazines that had been in a stack on the kitchen counter.

"well the girl on his arm looks very, intriguing." Jonathan said over Ava's shoulder.

"it could be probably for press purposes, since I hear that they are struggling with the album and everything." Ava said as she aimlessly starting flipping through the magazine.

"where did you hear that exactly?" Jonathan said as he took a small sip from his blood bag.

"ace, he called a couple days ago. He gives me updates now and then since he's still technically on contract with them for promotional purposes with the album, despite the fact that he doesn't play at note in it." Ava said with an angry flip of a magazine page, as the phone rang and she went to grab it, but Jonathan grabbed it before she could as Ava rolled her eyes.

"hello Ace." Jonathan said as he smiled as Ava as he handed the phone over to her.

"what the hell." Ace said on the phone.

"yeah I know." Ava said with a sigh as she shooed Jonathan away so she could have some space to talk to Ace.

"so, what's up?" Ava asked.

"I'm guessing you saw the magazines?" Ace asked rhetorically.

"are you just calling to rub your successful relationship with my cousin in my face?" Ava asked as she heard Ace sigh over the line.

"no, I'm sorry that you two split up, he told me about it" Ace said as Ava groaned.

"you realize that there are two sides to every story right?" Ava said sarcastically as Ace laughed.

"oh trust me I know. What I'm calling about is that you need to come back, I don't care if you've broken up. Seriously I'm not joking, Paul is not doing well." Ace said as Ava heard the change in his tone.

"really because from what I'm seeing in the magazines is that he's doing really great after the breakup." Ava said as she sighed.

"where are you guys at?" Ava said as she quickly grabbed a pen and paper as she wrote down the address that Ace relayed to her.

"come soon, please." Ace said before the line went dead as Ava hung up the phone as she went to look at the address and saw that the paper was gone.

"so, looks like we're going on a road trip how fun." Jonathan said as he looked up from the paper with a smile on his face.

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