Part 23

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Dear Diary,

It's been awhile since I've written and for good reason, this next part is hard to talk about, which is exactly why I'm writing about it instead of talking to Jonathan about, because frankly I think he would more than love for me to talk about.

"are you ok?" Paul asked Ava cautiously.

"what? Not used to me being, well me." Ava said with a laugh that was stifled as veins appeared under her eyes and she turned to face away from Paul.

"sorry. God I keep on just trying to eat food to curb the cravings but it's not working." Ava said as she took a deep breath to try and calm herself down as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips and she opened it angrily.

"so, food is going to help what's going on right now? Just because you got detoxed doesn't mean you have to go cold turkey, if you just have a little bit everyday and not go overboard again you'll learn to control it." Paul said in a hopefully voice as he wrapped his arms around Ava's waist, as she looked outside of the house.

"it's been a couple days since I woke up, you think I would be able to control it." Ava said frustrated as she put her hand into the bag on chips and put a couple in her mouth as Paul snuck his hand into the bag, as Ava moved her head to the side so she could look up at him with a mock glare as he popped a chip into his mouth and smiled down at her.

"look, you can't be like Dakota and not have a drop of blood." Paul said as Ava sighed.

"I know but I'm afraid I'll go darkside again and I don't want that to happen AGAIN" Ava replied as she rolled her eyes at the thought of the amount of times that it has already happened.

"we just start small and then go from there to see how much you handle." Paul said as Ava rolled her eyes.

"you sound so well adjusted that I wanna laugh. But that's also kinda scary." Ava pointed out as Paul pulled away from her and started opening drawers in the kitchen, until he stopped smiling down as he picked up a knife.

"Paul, what are you doing? You don't know how I'll react!" Ava shouted as Paul cut open his finger, as he looked at Ava's face as the black veins appeared under her eyes again at the smell of blood, as her eyes changed from their normal blue-green to red.

"come on, it's now or never, considered it's already starting to heal" Paul said as he nodded towards his finger.

Ava's only response was a growl as she was standing in front of the kitchen window one second and was in front of him the next, as she forcibly grabbed Paul's hand and licked his bleeding finger, as Ava moaned at the taste, her eyes rolling in the back of her head.

"I was just waiting for this to happen." Jonathan said as he leaned against the frame to the kitchen door with a smile on his face as he watched as Ava moved away from Paul with a hiss.

"what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be out with everyone else?" Paul asked with anger in his tone as he turned to face Jonathan.

"well for one thing everyone in this family hates me, and two, well I was just counting down the days before you would succumb. It's inevitable." Jonathan said as he looked directly at Ava as her eyes changed back to their bright blue-green color as she wiped the blood from her mouth, before she disappeared.

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