Part 28

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Paul looked out at the balcony confused as he narrowed his eyes trying to see again to eyes that peered into the apartment, as the sound of the door knob turning brought him back to reality, as Ava pulled away from Paul, just as Donna walked into the door, ready for a fight, as Ava's dogs began barking at her.

"I knew you would try and go back to her." Donna said, as she fixed her blue eyes on the pair that were sitting next to each other on the couch.

"how do you know where I live?" Ava asked as she got up from the couch and grabbed the dogs, who were still barking at Donna, who stayed in the doorway glaring at Paul.

"how are you even here? Your supposed to be filming that tv show." Paul said surprised at Donna actually being in New York, as he looked over and saw Ava practically dragging both dogs by their collars into her bedroom, and shut the door behind them.

"I didn't tell you over the phone because I wanted to surprise you. But when I was on the phone with you earlier I was already in New York. I got some time off and wanted to spend some time with you. I got to the apartment and saw that you weren't at home, and saw the address that was on the kitchen counter and it led me here." Donna explained as she narrowed her eyes at Paul.

"so my question is, is why are you here?" Donna asked as she looked from Paul to Ava, who both had straight faces.

"I called him, because I'm looking over a contract for a band that I might be managing and knew that he had to deal with this type of situation and I thought he could help me find a lieu pole in the contract." Ava lied effortlessly, despite the fact that it is was half-true, since Ava was looking over the contract before Paul came over and professed his renewed love for her. As Ava was explaining the situation, she saw Paul exhale in her peripheral vision.

"oh, well than, I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. I should be happy that while I'm away that your with Paul than shouldn't I." Donna said in an odd tone as she smiled widely at Ava, as Ava internally screamed at the utter fakeness of the woman standing in front of her, as Ava faked yawned.

"well we might as well leave Ava, she looks absolutely tired, I mean look at those dark circles and puffy eyes." Donna said with a small smile at Ava, as Ava smiled back, until Donna turned towards Paul, as he looked from Ava to Donna and slowly got up from the couch.

"yeah it is getting pretty late and I have to get up early to work on the album." Paul said as he and Donna started to walk out the door, as Donna turned around.

"by the way,if you want to know a way to help those, cool cucumber slices under the eyes works." Donna said in a snide tone, as Paul practically pulled Donna out of the house before she could say anything else to Ava, as Ava closed the apartment door, as Paul looked back at Ava.

"you owe me!" Ava mouthed to Paul, before she closed the apartment door and locked it, as she walked back to her bedroom to let the dogs out.

"can you believe her, 'dark circles and puffy eyes'" Ava said as she imitated Donna as she grumbled.

"if it wasn't night-time her ass would've been flying out of that window 5 stories down." Ava said as she walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine and went to go grab a glass when she saw how much was left, shrugged and just took the cork off the bottle and started drinking straight from it, as she walked to her bedroom and nursed her bottle of wine while watching some MTV before she went to bed.

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