Part 7

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"Ava, Ava, Ava, always fighting..." Jonathan said as he caught her before she fell to the ground as she passed out from the vision of the past that Jonathan gave her.

"sometimes your going to have to stop fighting." Jonathan said as he looked at the bracelet on her wrist that he had put on her.

"and sometimes you have to be forced to stop fighting." He continued as he picked her up and placed her on the couch.

"says the person who gave me that awful flashback. You really think I would wanna see that." Ava said groggily as she opened her eyes.

"I was looking for a reaction, But you passing out did surprise me." Jonathan said as he saw that Ava was eyeing the bracelet on her wrist.

"what is this?" Ava said as she glared up at him

"something that will keep you from using your powers against me. Don't want you using your weaken power on me." Jonathan said as Ava tried to remove it, but the bracelet didn't budge.

"thought you forgot about that one." Ava said with a slight smile.

"how could I. That's your strongest power. Then theres the empathy power as well, only useful to get the emotions of the enemy but alas you have that too." Jonathan said dismissively.

"why remove my powers from me when you could just kill me." Ava said as Jonathan starts to laugh.

"you really don't understand it, why I came back. The reason why I took you." Jonathan said with a shake of his head.

"oh really? It is your undying love for me? That you didn't want me to see me being happy with someone else?" Ava said as she sat up on the couch.

"well, your right but that's only 10% of why I took you. Other 80% is, the fact that I want my ring back and you're my leverage." Jonathan said simply as Ava looked up at him and started laughing.

"you took me to use as leverage to get your ring back? Really? I honestly thought that there was some other deeper reason, but wow, kind of surprised at how shallow you are." Ava said with a raised eyebrow.

"really? I'm the shallow one? Who was the one that was begging for their ring back not to long ago? And you've only had it off of you for a couple days. I haven't had mine on my finger for centuries!" Jonathan said as Ava rolled her eyes.

"you know that doesn't scare me since I know you can't kill me." Ava said as she got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"oh you have no idea how far this goes." Jonathan said as he turned to look at Ava who was looking in the fridge and raised an eyebrow at the bags of blood.

"so this is all you have? No food?" Ava said as she turned around and Jonathan was right behind her.

"you know, I had a plan, but this isn't as fun as I thought it would be." Jonathan said as he quickly took the bracelet off Ava's wrist and put his hands on her shoulders and looked deeply in her eyes.

"you will not leave this house, and you will not use your powers against me." Jonathan said as he smiled down at her which she reflected.

"I won't leave the house and I won't use my powers against you." Ava repeated as Jonathan took his hands off Ava.

"hungry?" Jonathan said with a smile as Ava turned back from the fridge with a smile .

'starving actually." Ava said simply as she grabbed a blood bag from the fridge and threw one in the air, which Jonathan caught effortlessly.


"so where did all this blood come from?" Ava asked as she finished off her fourth blood bag as she tossed hers behind her.

"your cousin actually." Jonathan said simply as he watched her drop the blood bag that she picked up from the pile sitting in from of them on the table.

"it's not Dakota's blood. I got the blood from Cody, well really from your uncle, whose been getting it from Cody in exchange for information.I compelled him of course to forget." Jonathan said as he tossed Ava another bag.

"what kind of information?" Ava said as she looked at him warily.

"about you, actually." Jonathan said with a smile "and I think as of yesterday, Steve told Cody's little girlfriend that Dakota and Paul were staying with him." Jonathan continued with a big smile as Ava growled at him.

"you didn't!" Ava said as she tried to launch herself at Jonathan but was stopped by her own self.

"ah! Remember I compelled you. You can't hurt me." Jonathan said as Ava glared at him

"you really didn't think I was keeping tabs on them? I have informants everywhere, which includes your uncle." Jonathan said simply as he laughed as he raised his hand making Ava take the blood bag in her hand and started drinking it until she finished it and dropped it on the floor with the others.

"what are you going to do to me?" Ava said as her voice waivered.

"going to make you drink until your true nature shows. And unlike last time, no one will be interrupting us this time." Jonathan said with a smile as he raised his hand again, making Ava pick up another blood bag and started drinking from it as her eyes started turning black.

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