Part 9

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 "it feels like it wasn't that long ago, when we were all really close." Brittany said to Dakota.

"yeah and then your mate, my brother had to go all crazy. Which surprises me that he even came to help." Dakota said as Brittany rolled her eyes.

"it's because I told him that Ava leaving, would cause her to spiral out of control and kill people, that's why he's been hell-bent on having us all together again. Remember I have the visions of things that will happen years in advance." Brittany said simply

"well now that you put it like that it makes sense. However him going all bat-shit crazy, crazy enough to go after the people that Ava was with; To the point where he almost kills them all. Doesn't that seem a little much?" Dakota said as she looked at Brittany who shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm just his mate, I don't dictate his actions. But we both knew that he had a short temper before he was changed, that just manifested stronger when he became immortal. And he didn't kill them, you were there to give them your blood so you could heal them." Brittany said as she looked over at Cody, Paul and Steve who were talking.

"at least through this, Ava found someone, someone who's willing to look for her. Not like that asshole Jonathan who brainwashed her." Brittany said as they both walked up to the rest of the group, who were looking at a map with the blonde husky sitting at Paul's feet.

"last time I went to her house, was awhile ago. But I remember where it's located, in Toronto, Canada." Steve said as Dakota narrowed her eyes.

"you used to visit her?" Dakota asked

"yeah, would have her check in on you guys for me every now and then since I don't have premonitions myself. You really didn't think that I wouldn't keep tabs on my family?" Steve said with a smile as he folded the map up.

"how are we suppose to get there? We cant run all the way." Cody said as Steve smiled at him.

"we're going to be going on a little roadtrip, you think I wouldn't be prepared." Steve replied as he whistled once, as the both dogs ran up to him as he opened the passenger door to his truck as they hopped in.

"just follow me, it's not that far away." Steve said to the four as he hopped into the driver's seat and started his truck.

"where are we going?" Paul asked, as he noticed without question as the rest of the group seemed to already know where Steve was talking about.

"Ava's house, not that far away. It has a huge garage full of cars." Dakota said with a smile.

"she's a car collector." Dakota added with a smile on her face as they both ran after Brittany and Cody.


"you know I still don't like you. For what you've done to Ava and to my friends." Paul said to Cody as they all were waiting for Steve to show up.

"speaking of where are you friends? Off playing." Cody said with a smirk as Brittany smacked Cody on the head.

"seriously? Those are Ava's friends to you know. And Dakota's boyfriend." Brittany said as Cody grumbled a quiet "sorry" towards both Paul and Dakota.

"wow, she's should've been around when you were trying to kill us all before, maybe we could've avoided all that drama." Paul said as Cody rolled his eyes.

"yeah well, I never thought Ava's mystery man would turn out like you. So, point is, there are things that we have no control over." Cody said as he went to unlock the garage.

As the garage door opened both Paul and Cody smiled at all the cars inside.

"why is it every time men get around cars, they stop functioning?" Brittany asked as Dakota replied "cause it's like candy to them."



"Why did we even come to her house? Like that was a 2 day drive." Paul said as he got out of the car.

"because I had a vision about her death, well more detail since I was in such close proximity to her, even if she is in a dog's body." Brittany explained as she looked up at the house.

"of course Luna would have her house near a lake." Brittany said as she shook her head.

"what's so funny about that?" Paul asked

"it's because she is part Rusalka. A water nymph." Dakota said as her brows furrowed as she looked past Paul and saw Brittany's eyes turn white as she fell and Cody caught her, as his eyes turned white as well.

"the lake, she's in the lake." Cody said as Dakota, Paul and Steve ran to the lake.

Just as Paul was about to jump in, Dakota stopped him.

"you really think I came with just because I can resurrect the dead." Steve said as his eyes turned a bright blue as he touched the water, as he manipulated it to move, revealing Luna's body wrapped in plastic.

"You know Jonathan's a real asshole, cause he killed Luna, and he put her body in the lake." Dakota said as she picked up Luna's body off the muddy ground as she sped up to the dry land as Steve manipulated the water back into the lake.

"she'll have to explain it to you." Dakota said to Paul as she set Luna's body down on the ground as Steve quickly set to work at removing the plastic from Luna's body as Stella stood next to him. Steve touched where Stella's heart is and also touched Luna's heart as his eyes changed from blue to grey as black veins covered his whole body and transferred onto Luna's body as her body jolted up as she took a breath and opened her blue eyes.

Luna sat up and took a couple breath as the group looked down at her in amazement.

"where the hell is Jonathan? I have a heart to rip out." Luna said as she went to scratch Stella behind the ears as she smiled widely at the husky.

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