Part 26

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"I think you should come down to the studio, I know Gene's missed you." Paul said sarcastically as Ava smiled.

"I don't know if me popping in is such a good thing, even me being with you right now, in fact." Ava said as she was looking over lyrics.

"why because of Donna? She's off somewhere in a play, or a movie, I honestly can't keep track." Paul said as Ava laughed.

"you say that now, but I'm more than sure that she doesn't like me. I could sense it back at that club months ago." Ava said as she swiped her red pen over as she looked in her peripheral vision and saw that Paul was rolling his eyes.

"anyhow, how is my uncle doing? Since you see him every week, which I am surprised about he isn't the New York type you know, more Arizona." Ava said with a smile as they both looked at each other and laughed.

"no kidding. He's good, I guess I mean he just checks in with me, gives me blood, we talk a bit and then he leaves. But he stays just long enough to tell me that I don't get back with you, that I'll regret it and that I'll fuck up the future. Which by the way what is up with everyone in your family saying that?" Paul asked as Ava shook her head.

"I don't know, trust me if I did I would tell you. But I guess that's the point, we aren't supposed to know everything that's supposed to happen, I mean apparently they've all seen this vision of something that won't happen if we aren't together." Ava explained.

"I know it's annoying." Paul said as he shook his head as he started to write on a piece of paper, when the phone rang.

"I bet you it's Donna, five bucks!" Ava shouted as Paul rolled his eyes as he picked up the phone.

"Hi Paul, it's Donna" Ava heard over the phone as she smiled widely as she mouthed "I told you!" to Paul as he rolled his eyes as he stood up from the couch that he had been sitting on as he took a couple steps away.

"hey, how's the...god I forgot what are you doing exactly. Are you auditioning for a movie or a show?" Paul asked as he heard a sigh from the Donna.

"Paul, how many times do I have to tell you? I got cast in a tv show." Donna whined as Ava rolled her eyes and mimed hanging herself as Paul glared at her.

"sorry I forgot, your just always off auditioning for stuff." Paul said as he didn't get an answer and listened as the dial tone was going off as he walked back over to the receiver and slammed the phone down angrily.

"wow that didn't go well did it?" Ava said as she quickly went back to going over lyrics for the album that Paul was single-handedly trying to write.

"I think you should go." Paul said quietly as he went to sit down on the couch.

"you sure?" Ava asked, feeling the frustration radiation off of him.

"yeah, I'm not in the mood to work on the album right now." Paul said as he leaned back on the couch, as Ava grabbed the pages of lyrics and stood up.

"alright, you know where I am, and my number, so if you want to call me or come over you can." Ava said as she put her hand on Paul's shoulder.

"trust me when I say this, even though I don't like her, if you just wait a bit and call her back tomorrow and just listen I think you guys will be good." Ava said knowing that she was saying this for Paul, not believing in what she said at all about Donna, since in her eyes Donna was a whiny bitch.

"I guess. Thanks, I'll probably call you sometime this week to see how your doing on the proofreading." Paul said as Ava took the stack of papers in her hands and walked out of Paul's apartment, as Paul massaged his temples as he sighed.

"good she's gone, now I can really bitch at you." Alpha Paul said inside Paul's head as he sighed.

"seriously?" Paul said aloud.

"yes! I told her that you need time to gain perspective, not to find the first blonde and get together with it!" Alpha Paul shouted.

"what am I supposed to do? She says that she's fine with how we are now." Paul said as he practically heard Alpha Paul roll his eyes.

"you really think she means that? She said it herself she doesn't like Donna, because she knows that she's supposed to be with us, but she's going to wait until you come to that realization and stop messing around with this Donna chick. Ava went as far as to not rejoin the band, shes off being a manager and producing that all female band, but we both know that she wants to be with us." Alpha Paul said as Paul sighed.

"you don't think that I haven't thought about that?" Paul said as he heard silence in his head as he picked up the phone again and redialed Donna's number.

"hey, sorry about earlier. I just spaced." Paul admitted.

"of course you did, because your still hung up on Ava aren't you?" Donna asked.

"what? What does Ava have to do—" Paul started to say.

"really? She doesn't have anything to do with us being distant? Was she at your place today 'helping you with your album'?" Donna asked sarcastically.

"what does that suppose to mean exactly? You know that she helping out with the album when she has free-time from producing Dream's record and trying to set up gigs for them." Paul explained as Donna sighed.

"well just letting you know that you won't see my face around until you stop associating with her. I mean what do you expect me to think when you were in a relationship with that girl?" Donna said with a tone in her voice at the word girl as she hung up on Paul, as Paul looked at the phone as he heard laughing in his head.

"what did I tell you? Your suppose to be with Ava not that whiny bimbo." Alpha Paul said in a scolding tone as Paul slammed the phone back down as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a nearby mirror and saw that his eyes were bright red, as he stomped over to the fridge and pulled out a blood bag and drank from it.

"how do you expect to be with her anyhow when we aren't human anyhow. I mean, that is if Donna wasn't a whiny conniving bitch and all. You know we are supposed to be with Ava." Alpha Paul said as Paul closed his eyes and downed the rest of the blood bag, before he threw it into the trash.

"she's with Jonathan and—" Paul started to say as Alpha Paul scoffed at him.

"no shes not. The entire time that she was here she was thinking about you, but you were too busy thinking about Donna to hear."Alpha Paul said as he relayed Ava's thoughts to Paul.

"shes not staying with him, he's just coming around." Paul said to himself, realizing.

"yeah, even that version of him knows that you two are supposed to be together, he's only staying around to give her support with her, life decision, since everyone else bailed." Alpha Paul explained as Paul leaned against the kitchen counter thinking.

"so are we going? Are you going to spend another night moping?" Alpha Paul asked as Paul looked at the address that Ava had written down for him months back at the club, as he grabbed his keys.

"you better be right about this." Paul said as his eyes changed color as he smiled before leaving the apartment.

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