1. Banishment

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A serene place of tranquillity. At least it was for Y/N before everything changed.

Growing up her love for the Odinson brothers grew like a flower under rays of sunshine. One brother was her friend and like her own brother. But her affection towards the other brother had blossomed in a different manner. Loki had been hers for years and she was his.

Mounting his horse Thor calls out to Y/N, "Let's go home."

Happy to be going back she gleefully replied, "Yes! Let's! My love are you coming?" she asked Loki. "Of course I am," he said with a small smile while walking towards his horse.
The wind blew her long dark hair back as she rode up to the gates of the golden palace. All was serene and calm.

Odin was waiting for the party of three to return.
"You have returned," he stated as Thor, Loki and Y/N dismounted their horses and passed them over to the servants.

"I need to have a word with you." Odin gazed seriously at Y/N. She immediately snapped into a mode of action.
"What is it Allfather?" she asked meeting his stern gaze.

Odin averted his eyes and turned to Thor.

"Thor, before you become king you will need to be wedded."

Y/N shockingly sucked in a breath of air. She couldn't help but think how happy she was that she had already found the love of her life. Concern for her friend filled her heart.

Thor stayed surprisingly calm as if the shock alone had nailed him to the ground.

"What do you mean? To whom?" a scowl forming on his face.

"You shall marry Y/N."

Her reply was quick, before anyone could comprehend what was happening she straightened her back and with a firm voice replied, "I shall do no such thing!"

"Thor is a splendid match and life companion." Odin remained calm.
"Yes he is, and thus he is my friend. But with all due respect Allfather, it is Loki that I love and have loved ever since we were children" she replied respectfully yet earnestly.

"Father..." Loki tried to intervene, the angst was noticeable in his voice. But it was met with a burst of anger and rage from Odin, making Loki take a step back. Odin turned his rage towards Y/N, who on her part met his with a blazing fire of her own.

"This will happen or I shall banish you!"
"Do what you must! I will never marry Thor, my heart belongs to Loki alone!"
Odin hung his head. "So be it."

He walked towards Y/N.

"You are unworthy of the loved ones you have betrayed. I now take from your power and your memories. And cast you out!"

With a blast of lighting, Y/N was thrown back into the bifröst. Neither Thor nor Loki had time to comprehend what had happened.

Loki, overwhelmed by immense rage and sadness returned towards the castle.

A barely noticeable whisper formed on Odin's lips, "Only true love can reverse this curse."

Before Odin could turn around Thor blocked his path.
"What have you done?" The anger and rage spread out over his face. Not only was his friend collateral damage in his path to the throne but he knew his brother would never recover. His brother, who has always felt left behind and less than him, would never be the same after this.
"I did what was necessary," countered Odin. And with that Odin returned towards his chambers.

In the meantime, Loki had busted into the grand hall where Frigga had been sitting.
"How could he have done this!" he screamed pacing from one side to another. "I am not his son, I truly am not. A real father would not wish this upon his own child. I'm not worth the throne according to him but now I'm not even worthy of love? If Thor cannot have her then no one can?"
"Please Loki, try to remain calm and explain to me what happened" Frigga replied soothingly.
"Calm? How am I supposed to remain calm? I ought to murder him for banishing Y/N!"
"Stay here, I am going to talk to Odin." Frigga turned to find her husband.

She found him in their sleeping chambers. Odin stood on their balcony, looking out over the kingdom his eldest was supposed to rule one day.
"How could you have done this?" Frigga asked sternly.
Odin replied with an angry retort. "Do you understand the insubordination? The effect of her love on Loki instead of Thor? Her power is needed for a king."
"But banishment? Think about what this will do to Loki. He is your son!" Frigga screamed at him.

"She is the Goddess of Love. Her love would amplify Thor's powers. It would make him the strongest ruler in all of the nine realms."
"And now neither of our sons have her or the benefit of her power. Please Odin, bring Y/N back," Frigga asked pleadingly.

"There are some things even I cannot undo." Odin hung his head and left the room. 

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