4. Leo

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Two weeks had passed since she started her new job and Y/N was in the study alone. Rather than go and search for Stephen she called out to him, "Stephen?"
Her query was met with nothing but silence so she tried again.
"Stephen?" Again nothing.
"Stephen! Are you home?" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Yes, yes, I'm here. No need to shout. What is it?" he said while entering the study.
"I've finished my review on these books about Hodr and Baldur, the latter being way too vain if you ask me. So I have to go back to the office."

Stephen took her books from her and placed them on the shelves of the bookcase, "Okay, will you be careful please?" It was more a statement than a question.
"It's been weeks Stephen. I'm physically fine" Y/N replied with a sigh.

"I know. But I've been looking out for you and I wouldn't want my hard work to be for nothing," he jokingly retorted.

Y/N smiled at Stephens remark, "I appreciate everything you and Wong have done for me, thank you."

"With pleasure." That was no lie, he enjoyed her company and being able to take care of her.

"Okay, I'm off to work then," Y/N walked towards Stephen and placed her hand on his shoulder to pull him down towards her. She gave him a small peck on his cheek like she had been doing every time she left ever since the first time when he told her about her job interview. "Bye!" and with that, she left the room and the building.

Y/N entered the office, her colleague already running towards her.
"Wow! Emily slow down, what's the matter?"

"Thank heavens you are here. We have a new colleague!" Emily said frantically.
"What? Who? That's it? What's the fuss about then?"

At the same time, another one of Y/N close colleagues engaged in the conversation.
"I heard about the new co-worker. Is he hot?" Paul asked Emily.
"Yes he is, but don't look so obviously!"

Paul turned around, files in his hand. He opened the glass door to the other office space to get a better look. "Oh is that him?" he asked while masking his face from the new colleague with his files.

Even though she had worked there for such a short time she had become close to Emily and Paul, a friendship had started to form.

Y/N looked at her colleagues with a level of shame, "You are absolutely embarrassing yourselves and I want no part in it. I am going to get a cup of coffee. Thank you very much." She turned on her heel and walked out of the office.

Pretending he had not heard a word Loki stood and made his way to the break-room in order to be there before Y/N entered. He had used his shapeshifting powers to not look like himself but still, it was clearly him. Although his long dark hair had made way for dark blond waves, his piercing blue eyes did not fool anyone. Luckily that was not his intention at all.

Y/N nearly bumped into him as she walked into the room. "Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't looking."
"Not a problem," Loki smiled at her.

She looked at the stranger who was eyeing her as well. She felt as if his eyes could look straight into her soul and her heart skipped a beat.

He anxiously anticipated the moment she would look him in his eyes and remember him. He had dreamed about this moment for weeks and now it was here.

"You're the new colleague right?" Y/N smiled at him, trying to hide the warmth that was beginning to reach her cheeks. She felt nervous.

Her words were a painful stab in his heart but Loki stayed in character. He was here to win her over once again, no matter the cost.

"Yes I am, the name is Leo." What a dumb name he thought to himself. He should have given it a second thought.

Y/N holds out her hand, "Well Leo, I'm Y/N. Welcome!" she said warmly.
Loki shook her hand, "Thank you."
Still nothing, their touching did not trigger anything.

"So what is your specialism?" Y/N asked.

"It's Norse gods and deities actually," he smiled, sincerely happy to be in her presence once again.

"Really? So is mine!" Y/N was glad to have someone around to talk to about the subject. "Who is your favourite God?"
"That would be Loki." The irony escaped Y/N completely.

"I always thought he was low-key annoying." Y/N regretted the joke the moment it had escaped her lips. She internally slapped herself for not being able to flirt, maybe she had forgotten how to do that too.

Loki laughed, thinking she was cute to try. She had not been a good flirt before they started dating, she gets too anxious, but he was relieved she tried because that meant she was attracted to this physical form as well.

"Good one," he said laughing out loud.

"No, it really wasn't. I'm so sorry, forgive my stupidity," Y/N apologized feeling herself get red in the cheeks.
"No, no really, it's fine," Loki tried to reassure her.
"I really have got to go but it was lovely meeting you." Y/N wanted to get out of that room before her face took the colour of a tomato.

"It really was charming seeing you again," Loki said hoping it would trigger something.

"Again?" Y/N asked with furrowed brows.

"Uh, meeting you I mean."
"Right... I'll see you later." Y/N left Loki and nearly sprinted towards Paul.

"I just met Leo, the new guy," she bursted into his office.

"Really?" Paul asked while looking up from his work. "What's he like?"

"Absolutely gorgeous is what he is. And charming too. He politely laughed at my stupid joke."
"Sounds like you two really hit off," Paul smiled. He could already smell the office romance.

"Wish he had hit something else," Y/N winked at Paul.
Paul's face dropped at the bad joke, "Girl, no..."
They both laughed about their own bad jokes before continuing on.

"You look red," Paul said, beckoning her to tell him why.
"Really? Ah damn... I hoped it wasn't that noticeable."
"But why?"
"Because I am stupid. Apparently, I am not able to flirt even if my life depended on it," Y/N hung her shoulders and plumped down on the office sofa against the wall.

"You flirted with him? In your first encounter? How bold of you," Paul laughed.
"Don't laugh at me, you saw him!"
"He is a fine specimen, I'll give you that," Paul nodded agreeingly.

"Fine doesn't fully cover what he is. It's weird but when I touched him I got goosebumps."
"Maybe it was a draft?"
"Yeah, I'm sure you're right," Y/N got up and left to get back to her own office. 

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