23. Broken

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It had been an amazing evening and night. Y/N now stood in the library reading over a few spells she would need for practice that day. She had trouble concentrating as the memories of last night tugged the corners of her mouth into a smile. There wasn't a spot on her body that had not been kissed by him.

"How's the training going?" Wong asked by way of greeting while entering the library.
"Quite well actually," Y/N closed the book she pretended to read. "But it has been a bit much if I'm being honest."

Wong shot her a quizzical look. She didn't know what Stephen had told him, but she sure wasn't going to spill the beans herself. "With work I mean," she explained. "But the Spain trip will be over in about a week or so. So, I'll manage."

"And when are you telling me what triggered your magic?" her friend asked. His eyes had narrowed and Y/N could tell he never believed her when she first told him and Stephen that nothing special had happened. His crossed arms told her that he had been waiting for her to tell him on her own accord but that he was out of patience. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," she opened the book again, avoiding meeting Wong's gaze. 

"Yes you do," he took the book from her.
"Hey! I was reading that." 

"No, you weren't." Wong placed the book on the table between them and crossed his arms over his chest again, silently demanding her explanation and totally ignoring the scowl Y/N gave him. 

After a staredown that lasted mere seconds, Y/N sighed giving up the fight. 

"I..." Y/N looked over her shoulders to see if Stephen was around. When she confirmed he wasn't she continued, "I got... you know... together with Leo."

Wong's eyes widened and he marched over to her side of the table, "Y/N are you dense?! You keep going back to him!" He slammed a hand down on the table, the impact making the table tremble.

"What do you mean? Calm down," Y/N took a step back.

"If he's the trigger he must know more Y/N." Wong looked at her like she was stupid for not realising it sooner. And maybe she was. Maybe she had been focussed on too many things at once.

"No..." Y/N shook her head in disbelieve, "No, that's not possible. He said he blew off our date. That's all." She wasn't sure if she was reassuring Wong or herself. She had felt some primal fear of him, something that just did not add up. But she had believed him after his explanation, after they made love, after all the affection he had shown her. 

"Are you so caught up in this boy that you can't see through his lies?" Wong's lips pressed into a hard line.
Wong cut her off, "You fell from the sky Y/N!"

He let her think for a second, let her work through it herself. She looked at her friend, anger and concern for her wellbeing visible in his deep brown eyes. 

"I... I fell from the sky..." she repeated. Wong only nodded once.

"That date where he supposedly stood me up... It never could have happened because I wasn't even on the planet." Her eyes widened as the realisation hit. Lies. It was all a lie. 

Wong's pitied tone made it even worse. She almost let herself love him fully. That prick. That liar! All his beautiful words, telling her he knew her, saw her for who she was... Words of beauty, love and kindness. Ice encased her heart remember all the sweet nothings he had whispered in her ear. But ice so cold it burned, burned from the anger she felt welling up.

"That two-faced, silver-tongued, lying piece of... Wong, Open up a portal now!"

"You want to go back?" he cocked an eyebrow.

"Of course! I'm going to confront him." Y/N was already moving. Pacing. 

Wong gave her a look which she understood, the concern still visible.

"I'll be fine. And I won't stay long. I'm clearly sleeping here tonight."


She didn't know how much time had passed as she had sat in the lobby waiting. She kept fidgeting, her foot tapping the floor. Wong had opened up a portal for her, reluctantly. She'd text him to come and get her and now all she could do was wait. 

Loki came around the corner and Y/N immediately shot up from her seat. He had rolled up the sleeves of his linen green button-down, normally Y/N would marvel at the muscles in his forearms, the veins visible, but now she didn't even notice.

"Good, you're here. I need to talk to you in the garden." Her voice was sharp and she wasn't going to bother with a greeting, she just turned on her heel and stomped off.

Loki blinked in confusion but followed her nonetheless.

Once in the garden, she stood her hands on her hips, still tapping one foot on the ground. The sun shone brightly overhead and the wind rustled the leaves of the garden bushes a little. A few people walked about but there was hardly what you could have called an audience.

"What's wrong my darling?" Loki asked concerned.

"No! No, you don't get to call me that!" she nearly jabbed her finger in his face. "You've been lying to me. About a lot I'm sure, but the date for one thing."

Loki shifted from one foot to the other without looking at her, "This again."

"Yes, this again. Tell me the truth." 

Loki looked at her. "I already did. I blew you off, I told you." His lips were pressed in a hard line, his jaw taut. Y/N could tell he was annoyed and irritated. Well, that made two of them. 

"You better come up with a new lie fast because I know that isn't true." And by the way her nostrils flared Loki knew she spoke the truth.

"How?" he asked narrowing his eyes.

"You know who I am. Or rather what I am," Y/N glared at him. She felt the heat rise from the pit of her stomach. How could she have been so stupid!

"How do you know? When did you find out?" Loki took a step towards her as he raised his voice. Had she known everything the entire time? Had he been trying for nothing?

But his questions were a confession and for a moment everything went dead silent for Y/N. She couldn't hear the birds chirping happily, the murmur of the guests or the rustling of leaves. All she heard was the sound of her heart, breaking.

She stumbled a step backwards, as if the words had pushed her away from him, and placed a hand on her throat. "So it's true..." she said quietly.

Duped. He had been duped. She hadn't been sure but he just confirmed it for her. Loki clenched his jaw, angry at himself as he averted her gaze again. 

"Here we go again. Why won't you just talk to me?" Y/N was on the verge of screaming now, red rimming her eyes.

But Loki had trouble reigning in his own anger and hurt. He bared his teeth at her as he growled, "I can't! What if you'll never remember because I forcefully told you?"

"Remember what? What am I Leo?" she threw her hands up in desperation. "Please, please tell me," she pleaded.

"I've been trying to make you remember for weeks!" he spat the words.
"More lies! All you do is lie to me. You acted as if you loved me, but it was Stephen who rea-"
"Stephen?! All I want- all I have wanted the entire time was for you to remember me but you were with another?" Hurt and rage flashed in his eyes, the green specks seemed to radiate. "Thor was right," he bit, "You are a harlot!"

"Thor? What are you talking ab.. You know what? Never mind. We are over." Y/N walked away, leaving Loki behind, still gaping at her. 

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