24. Seeking Solace

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"I swear he's crazy!" Y/N said throwing her hands up as she walked through the portal Wong created for her. "I mean it! He said Thor called me a harlot. A harlot? Thor?"

"Have you asked him what he meant?" Wong asked.
"No, I had to get out." Y/N bit her lip and clenched her fist.

"You're allowed to let it out," Wong placed a gentle hand on her back.

"Hehe lied..." her voice broke and a solitary tear rolled down her cheek.
"I know," Wong rubbed her back, "I'm sorry this is happening to you."
"It's not your fault," she brushed away the tear with the back of her hand. That was the first and last tear spilt over him. For him to have such power over her, over her heart. Unacceptable. She straightened her back and determination filled her eyes.

"Look," Wong started as if he read her mind, "Maybe you should go back when you've calmed down. Don't look at me like that, I might catch fire." She indeed shot him a murderous glance. "I just meant that he could provide you with answers about where you come from, who you are."

Y/N loosed a breath and relaxed the muscles in her face as she pondered it. It couldn't all have been a lie now, could it? Every look, every embrace, every kiss. How much of it was the truth? She had been immediately attracted to him, she hadn't even known him. That could mean something. But then again, she had also felt something that might be a warning when she was near him. He had been sweet, funny and kind, but also dangerous and exciting. He seemed to have a perfect understanding when she needed a shoulder or when she needed space. It was almost as if he knew she went through something even though she never let anything on.

"What if he lied about everything else?" she asked Wong, her voice barely a whisper.
"Do you believe he did?"
Y/N shook her head, she couldn't believe someone would lie about an entire romance.

"I'll put on the kettle," Wong said leaving Y/N to her thoughts.

He silently closed the door behind him when he ran into Stephen.

"What's with your face?" Stephen said as a way of greeting.
Wong just shot him an annoyed glance before telling him what had happened.

"I'm not saying you should take advantage of the situation but... you might want to use Google Translate for this one." Wong opened the door and Stephen nodded only once before entering.

He found Y/N tracing idle circles over the Eye of Agamotto.

"You know, I don't think you're quite ready to wield such a magical item."

Y/N looked at him, and he saw the hurt linger in her eyes. The clenching of his jaw gave away his own emotion and Y/N said, "He told you."

Stephen nodded as he crossed the room. "Thought he was making tea," she looked at the Eye again.
"He is and we're having some." He held out his hand which Y/N gladly took. He led her out of the library, their fingers entwined.

Wong had left them to their tea and went back to the library. It was nice, a hot sip straight to the soul. Soothing. The quiet didn't bother her, there was never an awkward silence between her and Stephen. As with everything when it came to Stephen, she felt comfortable enough in this moment to just be. And besides, he wasn't exactly the most qualified person to talk to about Leo.

After a few minutes of silence, she got fed up with her thoughts. Mulling over the questions wasn't going to bring her any answers. She was sad to admit that Wong had a point, she needed to talk to him again. Needed to look into those mesmerizing eyes and listen to his deep voice once more. Her heart broke a little thinking it might be the last time she would see him.

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