8. A walk along the beach

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Y/N had been glued to the window the entire drive from the airport to the hotel. Nothing she saw seemed familiar, she just felt in it her bones, this was the first time she was in Spain. The sun shone brightly, almost illuminating the white hotel walls. The smell of tropical flowers mixed with the salty sea wind teased her nostrils the moment she stepped out of the car.

The day consisted out of getting settled, getting a tour, planning future events and meeting the colleagues they'd be working with for the next four weeks. Even after having slept on the plane Y/N felt exhausted and turned in early.

The next morning Y/N sat in the lounge behind her laptop drinking coffee when Leo walked up to her. 

 "Good morning, you're up early." 

"Good morning, just wanted to send out some emails before all the meetings start."


His golden hair coiffed to perfection, an elegant swagger in his step. His outfit perfectly styled consisting of dark blue trousers and a light blue button-down, sleeves casually rolled up to his elbows showing off a leather and gold watch. He leaned against one of the chairs with one hand, the other nonchalantly in his pocket. Y/N thought she was never going to get bored looking at this godly creator.

"Look at you all dressed up for your first speaking event." 

He laughed enjoying the compliment. He wasn't really in the mood to stand in front of a crowd talking but luckily he had to talk about himself, something he normally didn't mind.

"Will I see you at dinner tonight?" Loki flashed a loving smile, "Yes, you will."

Y/N loved her work and meeting new people. She got to work with Henry, a middle-aged Briton, whose speciality was Greek mythology. They both gave separate lectures but were expected to combine their knowledge and provide a lecture about the differences and similarities between Greek and Norse mythology. She had been working with Henry on their combined lecture the entire day but she didn't mind. He was good company and for their breaks, they got to go out and enjoy the sun.

"We should compare Freyja and Aphrodite," Henry said.

"Sure, but then we should also clearly display the differences. I mean, Freyja is more than the Goddess of love, she also represents lust, fertility and magic."

"Was she Loki's lover?" Henry asked. Y/N furrowed her brow, 

"No, at least not according to the mythology. Why do you ask?"

 "Well, if he's a lustful God who had great magic abilities wouldn't those two be perfect for each other?"

"Ha... You make a valid point Henry," Y/N smiled. "But it's mythology, stories people wrote way back when... And even if it were all true, who knows if they got the names right!"

"Well, maybe our Gods were one and the same."

"We'll never know," she said, still smiling. 

"I believe we have worked hard enough. I'm going to get us a couple of beers," Henry shut his laptop and they drank and talked until dinner.

The dinner table was long and immaculately set.
Sadly, Y/N and Loki both sat on opposite sides and she could see him turning somewhat sad. He wasn't enjoying himself like she was. The entire dinner waiters served freshly made sangria, a lovely sweet and fruity beverage. Y/N could hardly taste the alcohol as she continued talking, drinking and keeping an eye on Loki at all times. The food was lovely, the warm rich flavours were a surprise to Y/N and she loved them all.

Full of liquid courage Y/N walked over to Loki after dinner.
"Hey you, want to get out of here?" 

Loki looked at her pleading. He wanted to be held by her, to kiss her. He missed her so.

They walked the stone stairs down to the beach in silence. It was not an awkward silence as some might think, but it was more natural as they both felt at ease in each other's company.

Once Y/N's feet hit the sand she removed her sandals and asked, "So, how has your day been?" "It was fine, but I'm glad to be around you again."

Y/N felt a tickle in her stomach and smiled.
"I'm glad too," she said still looking at the way her toes delved into the sand as she walked.

Her shoes hanging by their straps from her fingers as she gently swayed her arm forward and backwards.

The beach was half-moon shaped and there were no heaving waves, just the little waves rolling onto the beach. The briny air carried the sounds of birds in the distance and it soothed her. 

"It's truly nice walking with you like this," she stated.
"Like what?" Loki looked at her.
 "I don't know... It feels so peaceful."

She wasn't sure what was coming over her, probably the alcohol or maybe she truly felt something for this man, but she wanted to tempt and tease him.

"I'm going for a swim. Would care to join me?"
"Uh ha..." Loki laughed, knowing full well where this could lead to. "I don't think that would be wise..."

He wanted her so badly. He wanted to taste her, feel her, fuck her.
He wanted to glide his hands over her perfect body, his tongue in her mouth and his fingers in her pussy.

But not here. If he did something to make her remember then it surely would not be somewhere where they could be interrupted.

"There is no current," Y/N played coy. "That's not quite what I meant," Loki licked his lips, his body ached for hers. "I know it wasn't," she said while turning around and letting her long flowy dress slide down her shoulders and onto the sand.

Loki looked down smiling and shaking his head. This woman would be the death of him. She knew exactly what she did and it took every ounce of self-control he had to not devour her right then and there.

As he looked up, he saw she had walked halfway into the water. She turned and revealed her bosom in a black lace see-through bra. She knew he could see her nipples and she loved it. She looked down from his lust-filled eyes and saw the bulge in his pants. 

"No changing your mind now!" she called as she let herself fall into the water, satisfied with her work.

After a couple of minutes of regaining his breath and composure, he called her, "Y/N we should go."

She gracefully walked out of the water, "Ah, so soon!" 

"Yes. You, amazing creature, are drunk and we need to get you to your room."

He bent down on one knee, her dress in his hands. He made an opening in which she could step. Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder to steady herself as she placed both feet into the opening Loki so courteously created for her.

Loki slid the dress up, standing up in the process. The side of his thumbs sliding over her thighs. His fingers brushed the skin of her arms as he guided the straps onto her shoulders.

There was no sound anymore, Y/N couldn't hear anything but her own heart trying to beat out of her body and her staggering breath as her longs tried desperately to get enough oxygen. His hands upon her shoulders shot a warmth through her entire body, his eyes burned into her soul. She slid her hand which had been resting on his shoulder towards his neck, caressing his jawline with her thumb.

She saw him closing his eyes and furrowing his brow as he pressed his face into her hand. He acted as if he had been deprived of her touch for so long even though they had only known each other for the briefest of time.

"LEO! Y/N!" A high-pitched yell brought them both back to reality.

Y/N let go of him and snapped her head up towards the direction of the voice. At the top of the stairs was her colleague waving. 

"Are you guys coming with us? We're going to the bar!" 

"I... uh..." Y/N looked back but Loki was gone. He had already walked away and she saw him a couple of metres ahead, his head hung low.

Why did all the men in her life seem to walk away from her during important moments?

"Sure... I'll be right up," she turned and walked away from Loki.

She couldn't have known about the emotions he was struggling with, but it became almost too much to bear. How could she still not remember? And was he allowed to murder that pathetic Midgardian mortal wench who interrupted them?

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