17. A phone call

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Y/N had fallen asleep before she was rudely disturbed by the buzzing of her phone on the nightstand.

While rubbing the sleep from her eyes she looked at the caller ID and saw it was Wong. She immediately awoke and went to the bathroom to answer.

"What's wrong?" she asked worriedly.

"Well hello to you too." His tone of voice instantly gave away that there was hardly a real problem over at his side of the ocean.

Y/N rolled her eyes, "What do you want Wong? It's the middle of the night here."

Meanwhile, Loki had awoken as well. He looked over to her side of the bed and found it was empty. Lifting his eyes just a little, he saw the yellow streak of lighting under the bathroom door accommodated by Y/N's muffled voice who was trying to be as quiet as she possibly could. He strained his ears to hear her conversation.

"No.... Stephen.... He... I'm not..."

All he heard were bits and pieces of her hush-hush conversation.

"Tomorrow... work..."

Loki stood up from their bed and slowly walked towards the door.

"Extra train-? Is that wise? Since well... you know..."

Loki glowered. What kind of secrets did she have? He felt left out. An all-consuming black hole of neglect started to form in the pit of his stomach. He knew this feeling all too well from his childhood. The feeling of not being fully included went hand in hand with worry because he knew his Y/N, she always told him everything. Normally, she shared every little detail of her day with him until it drove him crazy. The only time she would not tell him everything, was when she was angry or struggled with her emotions. And he was always the one to make her talk anyway so that she would feel better. The fact that she hides so much from him now only shows that she is troubled and she still doesn't trust him fully.

"...able to be professional? What are you accusing me of?" Y/N raised her voice, lucky for Loki.

"It's my past Wong... No, I don't... I clearly don't know what I'm d... that's ... Stephen is helping me."

STEPHEN?! His muscles strained to control himself, Loki had to try not to throw the door open and demand clarification.

"I can't ch... my feelings... don't know whe... going..."

Loki felt the sharp knife of jealousy being slammed into his heart. Does she have feelings for Stephen? His nostrils flared, hand balled into fists and he nearly trembled with disgust and rage.

Y/N didn't know Loki had gotten up to press his ear against the door as she carried on with her conversation.

"What is the other option? To not remember at all? Is that even an option?" Y/N massaged her forehead with her free hand, desperately trying to push away the upcoming headache.

"You can choose not to remember and live this life you have now... with or without Stephen," Wong declared on the other side of the line.

Y/N looked at herself in the mirror. Everything had happened so quickly she never stopped to think about what she wanted. Does she even want to remember? Doesn't she?

She heard herself say the words before she could really think about it, "Maybe that would be better, to not remember..." She saw her shoulders relax as the headache that had been present since the moment she kissed Leo in the hotel lobby slowly slithered away like a poisonous snake retreating attack.

"It's up to you to decide, but I think you need to figure out how you feel."

"I know, but I can't tomorrow Wong. I have to work," Y/N turned around, her back towards the mirror as she rested against the sink. She wrapped her free hand around her waist, trying to provide herself with some sort of comfort in this maddening situation.

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