21. Poolside passion

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A week went by and Y/N often had to leave Leo's bed, cancel dinner plans and had to work late most days. And every time she went to Stephen to train. They'd been having a good time and she wasn't denying the tension that was still present but they had not spoken about their morning on the roof. It had been all business. Well, business and flirting. But nothing more.

She was now able to do basic spells and withstand Stephen's invasion in her head. The first time he had tried to push the boundaries of her mind she'd screamed in agony. All he did was place a finger on her temple, it seemed such an insignificant thing to do... Now it still hurts... a lot. But she could weather the magical storm.

Y/N yawned as she walked in between the glass vitrines of Sanctum Sanctorum. The little sleep she was getting was bound to catch up with her someday. She stood on one side of the stairwell and saw Stephen's frame on the other side. He looked out the giant round window overlooking the streets. She'd just come out of the shower after a particularly hard day of training.

"Stephen!" she called out to him.

At the sound of his name being called, he spun around and walked over. He could have easily walked around the stairwell opening but decided against it. Just before he would have fallen down the stairs his cloak took over and he flew to her.

"You're such a show-off since I know about your powers," she shook her head and smiled.

Stephen looked her up and down, taking in her figure before replying.

"Or... I am just that awesome." It wasn't really a question.

He looked at her and his lips curled into a smug smile.

"What's with that look?" A rhetorical question. She knew the answer, the tiny tug on her heart gave it away.

"No, no- nothing," Stephen smiled before letting his tongue run over his lips like a hungry animal ready to pounce his prey.

"Right... Well, I need to get back, I have plans with... a colleague."

Y/N and Stephen had never before discussed the situation that was Leo. She was careful not to mention him and he was not going to ask about it. But he knew - he knew the colleague she talked about was none other than him.

"Of course, I'll get you back to that douchebag," he all but spat the words in her face as he walked past her to find a good enough spot for the portal.

As he circled his arms and the orange sparks started flying, Y/N couldn't help but get defensive by his tone.

"Wow! What's with the attitude?"

Stephen pretended not to hear and held out a hand towards the open portal, "He's waiting for you."

Y/N took a step in his direction, her jaw clenched.

"Don't be like this."

"Be like what?" Stephen also stepped forward.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're jealous," Y/N crossed her arms over her chest.

Stephen looked her dead in the eye and countered, "Well, now you know better."

Y/N opened her mouth before closing it again. She loosened a breath, "Stephen..." she said with pity and guilt.

The emotions Stephen had been keeping in came flowing out. He waved his hand and closed the portal. "What do you want Y/N?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, don't play me for a fool."

"I'm not... I... I just," Y/N sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of her nose, "I honestly don't know."

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