5. Price

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Darren's lips tickled the side of my face and neck, forcing me to wake and immediately groan in frustration. I was not ready to wake up; my nightmares always stole my sleep from me.

My entire body protested with exhaustion from the strain of last night, but it was worth it in the end if Darren was satisfied. Swatting at the annoyance on my face, my wrist was snatched and pressed into the mattress.

"Wake up, Jaden." Darren's voice was soft and surprisingly patient, but I still wasn't ready.

"It's too early," I whined, turning my face into the pillow to hide my eyes from the sunlight. Darren chuckled as he began to leave a trail of kisses up my bare arm to my shoulder. At least he was in a good mood this morning.

"I've let you sleep in long enough, Jaden. Now, come on, before I let Camaro in here to wake you."

If Darren let Camaro in to wake me, that meant she'd jump all over me and the bed and lick my face or bite my hips until I rose. His threat was hollow, though. These were new sheets, and I knew he liked them.

"I would, but I think I must be paralyzed," I groaned against the pillow, my eyes still refusing to open. "Can't seem to move my legs. Guess I'll just have to stay here."

Darren's palm smacked against my bare ass, jolting me and sending a wave of pain over my entire body, reminding me of all the damage he'd done last night.

"You felt that one." He snickered. "Paralysis seems unlikely."

I just groaned in response, silently appreciating his playfulness.

"You have until the count of three to get your ass out of bed before I drag you out of it," he threatened. His voice was stern, but there was still an edge of humor to it. He was too fucking happy to be mad at me. So I groaned again to encourage the game.

"One ..." he started, but I still didn't move. "Two ..." His voice became darker. I popped my eyes open and glared right at him. He stared back at me with that daring, warning gaze of his that promised trouble if I didn't comply. In that one little glance, despite the slight bruising on his right cheek, it was hard not to appreciate how good he looked in the morning light when he was freshly showered and dressed. Clad in a dark gray suit, white dress shirt with a few buttons open, and no tie, he was perfection to the core ... on the outside.

Forcing myself to move my heavy lower body, I winced at the ache in my neck and shoulders. "You know, after a night like—"

"Three," he suddenly said and grabbed me from under my arms to haul me over his shoulders.

"Hey! I was up!" I shouted as I tried to shift into a more comfortable position over his bulky ass shoulder.

"Ass out of bed was the condition you failed to meet, princess," he said as he headed toward the bathroom.

"Sorry I'm on the struggle bus this morning," I grumbled as he set me down in front of the sink. "Some asshole kept me up all night."

Another hard smack came at my ass, but I fought the wince.

"Watch your mouth and brush your teeth," he ordered as he moved to turn on the shower for me.

I did as he said, brushing my teeth quickly before rubbing the sleep from my swollen eyelids. That was when I really noticed the strain in every muscle, the stiffness and exhaustion that plagued my entire body, and even though I knew I shouldn't look in the full-length mirror, I did anyway with sheer disdain.

Just as I suspected, my inner thighs were slightly bruised, speckled bruising over my hips, my wrists were red and yellow, and a large red and purple ring adorned itself across my throat, my diamond studded collar doing nothing to mute the attention. And sparkling to my left was my giant engagement ring sitting between bruised knuckles. Disappointment made my shoulders hunch.

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