35. No Pleasure Without Pain

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No regrets, no regrets, no regrets.

I chanted to myself over and over as we jogged through the city, sweat dripping down my face, my lungs about to explode, my legs ready to fall off, and my pussy throbbing with pain. I was so fucking angry that Darren had to make this run hard to enjoy even as we ran past some of the most beautiful architecture I'd ever seen. But I refused to fall behind. I kept up with his incredible stride, forcing myself to breathe evenly, and having absolutely no idea where we were going as he led us through the city.

"Are we going somewhere or just in circles?" I asked, trying hard not to sound winded.

"Why? Tired already?" he asked with a smirk, that devious smile of his making me want to smack it right off his smug face.

"Nope, just curious," I replied, fighting back the wincing that came with every step.

Goddamn him. Darren never went anywhere without some kind of plan, so whatever the fuck it was, I hoped it happened relatively soon.

The sun hadn't even risen yet, but with the city lights and shadowed details, it was difficult not to give myself a break just to observe more of what was surrounding me. Even in my pain and exhaustion, I still found something to enjoy.

Darren, of course, wasn't even winded. With it being just the two of us, he seemed pretty relaxed and upbeat. And I hated him for it. I felt like I was ready to die, but at least I got to see some of Rome before I did. We ran down the Spanish Steps like I had wanted to and jogged along the River Tiber, past Castel Sant'Angelo and Rome's Supreme Court house, until we finally went for a path that steadily went uphill.

I began to pant in my head.

Alright, fuck it. Let's do this.

"Feeling okay there, tiger?" Darren asked me, his smug voice doing its job in irritating me.

"Just fine," I replied confidently with a smile.

"Good," he said and held out his hand for me.

Taking it, I breathed a silent sigh of relief as we walked up the hill until we reached a giant statue of a man on a horse surrounded by what looked like ancient warriors or something of the like.

A few cars waited at the top while other people stood off to the side, looking out into the distance. But the closer we got, I realized Clive and Owen were there, each holding out a small towel and a bottle of water.

I could have kissed them both.

"Thanks," I said politely as I took the bottle from Clive, cracked it open, and downed almost all of it in just a few seconds.

That earned me another smug look from Darren as he took less desperate sips from his bottle, watching me with all kinds of amusement.

I shrugged my shoulders and ignored him as I finished the rest of the water and handed it back to Clive.

"Where's Camaro?" I asked him.

"She's back at the hotel with the guards."

"Did someone take her for a walk?"

"Your dog is fine, Jaden," Darren interrupted.

"That's because I ask questions to make sure of it," I replied, wiping the sweat from the back of my neck with the towel. I was under the impression that if I didn't express that I gave a shit about something, no one else would. What incentive would they have?

Darren smirked and took my hand again. "Come on," he said, "I don't want you to miss this."

There was no need to ask what "this" was as Darren led me over to the edge of the pathway where some of the other couples were standing. My eyes lit up as I gazed down at a near panoramic scene of the entire city. My eyes stretched far over the expansive view, taking in every beautiful building that I could find, including the mountains lingering in the background. Fuck, it was beautiful. And just when I thought it couldn't get more perfect, the sun peaked over the horizon, spilling warm golden sunlight over the city and bathing the sky in pinks, oranges, and blues.

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