50. Showtime

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For the next two days, Kayla and I spent our time in the hotel since I was benched from public outings without Darren. We gave Camaro a bath and played with her in the suite before lunch, watched a few movies, worked out, played video games, and then I'd see Darren at the end of the day when I was already in bed.

On the second day, we decided to teach Clive and Owen how to play Euchre since all they'd been doing was watching the damn news. The only thing that was on was more bad news anyway, so I couldn't understand why they were suddenly so fixated.

They were at least able to pick up the rules pretty quickly since they were familiar with Spades, and pretty soon, we had a full-blown game going with Clive as my partner and Owen as Kayla's since it was only fair. It didn't take long for the shit talking to start either.

"What the hell are you doing? I threw the king; you're supposed to throw something shitty," Kayla chastised Owen as I took the trick I'd just won. "You could have won the next trick with that."

"That was the only card in suit I had!" he replied.

"You should have used it earlier then when I called hearts trump."

I chuckled as I shuffled the cards for the next hand. "It's okay, Kayla. That's why it's called Euchre. Now, cut the deck," I said as I handed her the cards.

After the deck was cut, I passed out the next hand, watching as Clive looked at his phone, texting something back before pocketing it and picking up his cards.

"You girls need to be ready to leave in an hour," he said as he moved his cards around in his hand.

"For?" I asked as I moved mine around, focused on getting them organized.

"Underground fight club."

That had me paused for a moment as I brought my eyes up from my hand.

"Say what now?" Kayla asked, trepidation all over her face.

"Holden's underground fight club?" I asked, remembering him mentioning something like that at our wedding.

Clive nodded. "I pass," he said and turned to Kayla, who looked even more nervous with the lack of answered questions.

"Pass," she said blankly.

Looking down at my hand, I didn't smile as I realized I had both red jacks and a shit ton of high diamonds.

"Diamonds alone," I declared confidently.

After winning every hand and finishing the game, I stood to leave and get ready. "Come on, Kayla, we got shit to do."

Wiping the sour look off her face, she slid her chair back to follow Camaro and me out of the dining room so we could change. An hour later, my long hair was flat ironed into sleek and shiny perfection while Kayla's baby blond hair was curled at the ends. She went for the light, natural makeup and pink gloss while I went with the dark smoky eye and nude lip.

Stunning in her white and silver sequined dress and silver pumps, she looked like the girl next door while I looked like the bad bitch across the street in my black leather mini dress and black heeled booties. We were going to an underground fight club. Darren would expect me to look a certain part, and I didn't mind bringing back a little bit of the old me into the mix. I loved donning leather when I went out, a privilege I wasn't afforded much anymore.

"They're waiting for you in the lobby," Owen said as he knocked on the bedroom door.

I patted Camaro on the head and told her to be a good girl as I stood and headed for the door, stopping short when I noticed Kayla hadn't moved yet. She'd been quiet the entire time we got ready.

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