41. Final Moments

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My rage was becoming too difficult to contain as I waited for Scott to finish stringing one of our attackers up, hanging him by his wrists over the hook that hung from the chain link in the ceiling. I'd used this soundproof vault several times in the past, the drain in the middle of the floor useful for easy clean up, and the industrial waste shredder in the corner of the room made disposals simple as they were casually dumped into the sea.

The two men who helped carry him in, Shane and Luis, stood just behind me while Owen shadowed Jaden who was leaning against the wall, as far away as she could be with her arms and ankles crossed and a pretty scowl on her face. Even with her torn dirty sundress, wild hair, and the bruises from last night, she looked like a little war doll. It was sort of cute.

I knew she hated these torture sessions, but they were necessary for her. I needed her hardened, unfazed by shit like this. Hell, maybe she'd even pick up a few tips and tricks if she paid close enough attention. It was all for her benefit, whether she wanted to see it that way or not.

When Scott was finally finished, he slapped the fucker across the face to wake him. He groaned before his eyes started to drift open, his limps stretching against the restriction of the chain before he slowly lifted his head and realized the shit he was in.

I stepped toward him, noticing his shorter stature but wider mass and square shoulders. He barely came up to my chin even with his body stretched high.

"Who are you?" I asked in Italian.

His dark brown eyes glanced up to meet mine and glared.

"Fuck you," he replied, that familiar look of defiance gleaming back at me.

I nodded and turned away. "Cut off his clothes."

The sounds of cloth being shredded away as the man grunted and growled in protest came to me as my eyes glanced at Jaden, her face passive as she remained a stone against the wall.

Her eyes were working overtime to avoid mine.

When the two guards finished, I walked over to one of the various handles sticking out of the wall and pulled out a drawer of knives. Grabbing my favorite one, I made my way back over to the fuck who was now shaking slightly, likely from fear and the fact that it was deliberately sixty degrees Fahrenheit down here.

I held the knife up to his face and spoke again in Italian. "I'm going to give you one last chance. For every question you don't answer honestly, I'm going to cut a small chunk out of you until I can see your ribs." I waited for the comprehension to manifest in his eyes, and when the fear finally came, I felt my entire body soar with satisfaction.

He managed to nod.

"What is your name?"

"Paolo," he answered with a shaky heavy Italian accent.

"Why did you attack us?"

He hesitated for a moment, grimacing as he answered. "Orders."

"Whose orders?"

That was when Paolo started to visibly sweat. I knew it was Mario. He was probably already out of jail and gave his men the final orders to take me down. But they had tried to take Jaden, and I wanted to know why.

I looked at Paolo expectantly, raising my brows as I waited for him to answer, but all he did was display a face of regret.

I certainly wasn't sorry.

Taking my knife, I carved a thin line down the side of his torso where his rib cage was protruding, curving the knife around and back up to connect to my first cut. Paolo's screams echoed off the walls as blood began to drip down his body. But the worst was far from over. Taking the top of the cut I made, I pinched the skin and pulled, using my knife to peel away the little piece of flesh from Paolo's body. When it was free, I held it up to Paolo's screaming face so he could see exactly what that lack of an answer cost him.

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