25. Newlyweds

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Valencia is absolutely amazing. The architecture was all I could think about as we walked through the streets to our first destination. Combined with the beauty of the enormous cathedrals, the historic buildings, restaurants, and monuments, I was in awe of the place.

After the small tease I got of the city from dinner and the sunset show off the balcony of our hotel room, Darren and I spent the entire next day acting like honeymooning tourists. Which was the weirdest thing to participate in. The culture of the city was infectious, and with Darren's suddenly easygoing demeanor, I found it much easier to let go of my usual restraints and focus on genuinely enjoying myself.

It didn't come as a huge surprise that Darren could speak Spanish fluently. Turns out he could also speak French, Italian, and a little bit of Gaelic. Even though it was one more thing I had to rely on Darren for, I had to admit it made things a lot easier when trying to communicate with people. They seemed to respond well to him, not taking him for some asshole American tourist, which meant they responded well to me too.

Watching Darren act like somewhat of a normal human being instead of a brooding sadistic crime lord was refreshing to see, another side of him I didn't think existed. For once, it was just us. No Scott, no Clive and Owen, no entourage of bodyguards even though I knew they were still there following us in regular clothes so they could blend in without me noticing. Not even Camaro was invited to this party.

I found my growing excitement to see and do things in a foreign country difficult to contain, and the more we saw, the worse it got. It didn't even matter to me who I was with as long as I was able to have some fun for once, which Darren obliged over and over again. He appeared almost eager to witness my reactions to the new world around us. It seemed he was genuinely interested in watching me enjoy myself candidly, and fuck did I let him have it. If he was willing to loosen the reins, then I intended to reward him for it.

I smiled like a lunatic, rushing in every which way, pulling him to keep up with me so I could see as much as I possibly could before the rug was pulled out from under me and I was shoved back into my cage again. I was living, actually fucking living for once, and I was going to show Darren how much I loved it.

We went to the Mercado Central or the Central Market and shopped for food and snacks we would eat later for an early lunch at the Jardin del Turia, a large park people frequented. The market was so different to grocery shopping back home. There were so many shops, so much hustle and bustle that it actually put Darren on edge a little bit. Too many people meant too many security issues, so I understood, but I still wanted him to relax. So, I held his hand tightly, trying to get him to focus on me and the purpose of this trip so he would forget about his own world for just a moment.

And eventually he did at the City of Arts and Sciences when he saw how embarrassingly excited I was. Suddenly, I was eight years old again running around the halls like I was at the Detroit Science Center, except this time, the museum was twenty times bigger.

Darren wasn't much inclined to play around as much as he was to just watch me play around. Even with kids running all over the place, their parents trying to keep after them, he still managed to enjoy himself. He indulged me at the aquarium, smiling as he watched my face light up as I observed all the amazing fish, sea turtles, dolphins, and even sharks. If he weren't pulling me along through the place, I would have gotten lost in it all and probably never left.

By the time we finished with the aquarium, I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open. I wanted to stay to check out the rest of the city, but Darren wasn't having it. He assured me I would see plenty more as we walked back to the car, which I did, admiring all the futuristic structures and their fantastically technical designs before falling asleep during the ride back to the hotel room. I napped for about an hour before Darren woke me up for dinner.

"Did my wife enjoy her day?" he asked me from across the table.

I was watching the sun lower itself into the Balearic Sea, setting off a chain reaction of warm colors all across the sky and water. I had just finished my dinner, actually eating everything on my plate for once and admiring the scenery when Darren addressed me.

I turned back to him and smiled, ignoring the twinge in my stomach over my new title. "Yes, she did. Almost too much, I think."

"Not possible," he replied. "I can't remember the last time I had a day like today."

I smirked at him. "Aw, did you actually have fun today?" I teased.

"Who says I don't have fun on a regular basis? Fun is just perspective."

"Normal people fun," I corrected.

"Oh, so now I'm not normal?"

"This has already been established," I replied, my tone still playful. "No need to debate it further."

"What was your favorite part of the day?" he dejected, his eyes scouring over my face with sincere inquiry. He almost looked ten years younger when he looked at me like that.

What was my favorite part of the day? Feeling like a normal person rather than a prisoner. Getting to breathe without chains across my chest. Experiencing fun instead of fear.

"Getting to be worry free for a day," I replied with a genuine smile. "But the aquarium is a close second. How about you?"

"Getting to witness you laugh and smile as much as you did. I don't think I've ever experienced it that much in one day."

I kept my poker face in play. I hated when he said things like that. He knew damn well why I didn't smile or laugh as often as I did, yet he acted like it was such a big deal when I finally did. As if I were selfishly keeping them from him for no reason.

"You did a good job of making them happen today. You should try it more often," I encouraged, holding my hand over my mouth as I fought a yawn.

"That's the plan. And I intend to lose count again like I did earlier. Now, come on, let's head back," he said and stood, helping me up from my chair as he did.

"Ya know, it could be like this all the time. Where you find yourself losing track?"

Darren smirked as we walked toward the exit of the restaurant, leading me out with his hand at the small of my back. "Don't be silly, Jaden," he said, that mischievous, evil glow in his eye. "I still enjoy making you scream way too much."


Sorry for making this chapter short

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