55. Rampage

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After spending several minutes studying the map and the guard posts, we had a damn good idea of where we were, where we were going, and what we needed to do. First, we needed to find the gas line so I could cut it. Then we needed to find Tony before he fled the building so we could get that cloaking device, which meant the security room was our next stop so we could locate him and any other guards. Then we had to secure a ride out of here, so the garage was the next destination. And after that, we'd get those girls and get them the hell out of here before I blew the building.

Swiftly making our way through the hallway, I walked on tiptoes so as not to allow the sound of my block-heeled boots to echo through the hallway. They were noisy little shoes, but they would make a much bigger impact when they were kicking faces in.

Two guards marched past the intersecting hallway, causing me to shove us back against the wall of another hallway until they disappeared from sight. The adrenaline was running rampant through my veins now. I was surprised the alarms hadn't gone off yet, considering dead bodies replaced our positions in the room we were in. But I would thank my lucky stars later. I needed to keep focus, which was really difficult to do since I could already feel my heart ready to burst out of my chest, the damn thing inching to explode with every concern in the world for ourselves. How the fuck did Darren do this all the time without a single gray hair on his head? I was certain the stress alone would cause my hair to fall out.

Continuing our pursuit, we made our way down to the next hallway where the heating system was located, along with those two guards I saw earlier. We just needed to follow that system until I could find the gas line. But first, I'd have to eliminate those guards without rousing the other ones.

"Kayla," I said, turning to her. "I need you to do something stupid."

She snorted quietly. "What else would you have me do?"

"I need you to be a distraction. Think you can get those guards to chase after you?"

She looked like I'd lost my damn mind. "Won't they just shoot me?"

I shook my head. "They want us alive and in one piece."

She took a deep breath and released, her shoulders hunching before she finally relaxed.

"Okay yeah, I can do it."

I nodded. "Good, leave your guns here."

Carefully placing her rifle and pistol on the ground, Kayla took another deep breath and stepped toward the corner with me right behind her. Peeking carefully around the corner, both guards had their backs to us – perfect.

It was now or never.

"Okay, go," I whispered.

Kayla stepped out into the hall with all the confidence I never realized she had. "Hey assholes," she called out to them.

The sound of heavy boots turning kept me vigilant.

"What are you doing out of your cell?" one of them yelled.

That was when Kayla took off running down the opposite end of the hallway.

"Hey! Wait! Get back here!" The sounds of their boots hitting the floor was all the signal I needed to let me know they were heading my way.

Two knives in each hand, I waited for them to run past the opening to the hallway I was down. Aiming quickly, I threw both knives, one after the other, one landing in the side of one guard's neck and the other in the back of the second guard's neck.

Both stumbled forward before collapsing to the floor, clutching their necks until they finally fell silent. Standing over their bodies, Kayla made it back to my side, her chest pumping up and down as she drew in breath.

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