36. When in Rome

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The following day, I got to spend the morning and afternoon walking around Rome with Camaro, Clive, and Owen, and about ten guards dressed as tourists. Darren had some things he needed to take care of, and by some divine intervention, he decided to let me wander the city as long as I listened to my guards and didn't do anything that would disappoint him. It was hard to keep my face passive knowing it was the first time I was going out in public without him.

So, like the grateful, perfect little wife that I was, I thanked him the only way he expected, and when he left for the day, I spent the next hour soaking in a hot Epsom salt bath waiting for my body to recoup. My hips were bruised, my pussy throbbed, my muscles ached, and there was a large hickey on the side of my neck where Darren's mouth had left his mark for all to see. When I was finally able to climb out of the tub, I braided my hair to the side to cover the mark and let the rest of my hair fall down my front to my navel.

After finishing my breakfast on the terrace, I walked around the city with Camaro on a leash while Clive and Owen followed closely behind. I took all the time in the world as I walked the streets of Rome in my running shoes. It felt strange to be out in public without Darren, but I wasn't going to give him a reason not to trust me with something as big as this. I wanted to gain as much of his trust as I possibly could.

I didn't know why I bothered to ask him about his dad. Maybe I was hoping he would tell me a good story about him, and I was honestly surprised he hadn't tried to manipulate me with a nice father and son story to bring back happy memories. But no, he chose a cruel moment to share, one that he seemed to approve of. It was disheartening, to say the least. He was going to be the type of father his dad was; another monster raising his babies to become little monsters just like him. And the cycle would repeat itself over and over until someone put a stop to it.

I was back to thinking dangerous thoughts again, thoughts I hadn't revisited in a long time. But this sudden marriage and then the honeymoon were a serious change of pace, and for some stupid reason, it had given me hope. I had succumbed to Darren for so long; my need for revenge at what he'd done to me and my life lay dormant deep inside, waiting for opportunity to come along and strike, but I was afraid to move. Because once I got the ball rolling, it was only a matter of time before he either found out and punished me for it, or all hell broke loose, and I wasn't sure if I was ready for either outcome.

Stopping at a fancy looking café for lunch in a secluded area, I sat down at a table just outside so Camaro could rest on the ground next to me. Her tongue hung outside of her mouth as she panted, her eyes scanning the crowd of people passing by. Clive and Owen took the empty table in front of me, their eyes constantly scanning the area while my tourist guards fanned out to blend in with the crowd. I thought the number of guards accompanying me was a bit excessive, but I knew it wasn't worth arguing over. I was just happy to be out and exploring instead of being cramped up in that hotel room all day until Darren returned.

I sipped on my coffee and munched on my pasta, enjoying the flavor as I sat back in my chair and breathed the air deeply. There were so many scents in the air, spices from food, flowers from the markets just blocks away, chlorine from the fountains nearby. It was perfect.

Rome was an amazing city. Everywhere you looked, a world of culture both ancient and modern surrounded you, engulfing you in a completely new reality. It was easy to forget all I had been through when I was immersed in so much beauty.

I took another sip of my coffee, setting the mug down when I heard the sound of a struggle behind me. I instantly turned to see a large man leaning over a woman as he pressed her into the brick wall behind them. He had his hands wrapped tightly around her upper arms; the grimace on her face indicating her obvious pain.

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