3. Fault

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I was beginning to run a pattern in the carpet from my pacing. My nerves had my blood racing faster than I could handle while my stomach was one giant knot as I waited for Darren to come get me. Because I knew he would, and I knew I was in trouble.

I couldn't have bolted from that room fast enough, my only regret leaving Camaro behind with Clive and Owen, but I needed to flee. And now that I was alone, regret and fear were all I could taste.

I should have tried harder to de-escalate the fight, but I lost my patience. I had better self-control than that, and I fucking lost it. I never do that. But Dominic was just so damn arrogant, and I couldn't stand it.

I couldn't deny how much I loved getting a piece of him, how good it felt to finally knock him on his ass, and how quickly I lost myself to the fight. It would do Dominic some serious good to be humbled for once, but I doubted he would learn anything from it. The only thing he would want would be either a rematch or retribution. And Darren would have to be the one to deliver it because I deserved it.

The only terrifying question was, how bad was it going to be?

I didn't have to wonder long because a half hour later, Darren stormed through the bedroom door, his thunderous footsteps stopping me in my tracks as he lifted his hand and struck me right across the cheek. I hit the floor before the pain even registered, the blood rushing to my face with an enormous amount of pressure radiating in my cheek. It wasn't the hardest he'd ever hit me, but it was certainly meant to leave one hell of a mark. He would want Dominic to be able to see the damage he'd done.

Before I could even recover, Darren was already reaching down for my throat to lift me and shove me against the wall, his massive body caging me in and validating the fear that was already causing me to crumble inside.

I could be so confident until he stepped into the room.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing?" he growled at me, the venom in his voice poisoning the resolve I was fighting to maintain.

With the heated rage that was emanating from his body, it took all the courage I had just to form words. "I was defending myself."

"You were way past defending yourself. As much as I'd like to commend you for easily beating the shit out of my brother, the amount of drama I now have to deal with won't be rectified as quickly."

"What should I have done?" I managed to plead.

"You should have backed down! You should have de-escalated! You could have defended without striking him back. You're conditioned enough to handle that."

"I tried!" I nearly shouted. "I didn't know if backup was coming! I couldn't risk it! Did you want me to let him hurt me?"

"Of course not!" he bellowed down at me. "You know how often you're watched. You knew someone would be there to intervene. I fucking bolted from my desk the second I was informed. Your fight lasted an entire minute. You couldn't have stalled for one whole minute?"

Could I have stalled? I had made attempts, but they were meant to instigate, not invent more time. "I did the best I could," I stated but knew it wouldn't be enough.

"Do not fucking lie to me, Jaden. It wasn't hard to see the smile plastered on your face. You wanted to fight him, and you enjoyed your victory."

There was no way I could deny that. Of course, I enjoyed beating the shit out of that asshole. It was long overdue, and he deserved everything he got. But I doubted Darren would see it that way.

"And here I thought I wasn't supposed to fight fair," I was bold enough to say, throwing his words back at him.

"My family is different, and you know that. You need to learn to pick your battles better, Jaden. Not all of them have your fucking name on it."

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