13. Trust

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The following day, I endured my wedding dress fitting with Regina and the head seamstress, Martha. It took Regina all of two seconds to verbally acknowledged all the bruising that covered my pale skin from the day before, the slight discoloration of my wrists and neck easily visible in the dress that revealed much more than I was hoping.

"Damn. I thought I heard someone was a bad little girl yesterday," Regina teased as she looked me up and down. "You look like a fucking walking disease."

"Best shut the fuck up then so I don't infect you," I snarled, wishing my looks alone were capable of murder. I was so not in the mood for her shit today.

"Now, now, ladies," Martha intervened, looking a little uncomfortable as she looked me over. "Let's just get you fitted and on your way."

Good plan.

"Well, thank God for airbrush," Regina muttered.

I numbed myself out while the two of them fussed over me in making sure the dress fit me like a goddamn glove. One look at myself in the mirror, and I already hated the damn thing.

It was everything I didn't want. Mermaid silhouette, super tight, incredibly restrictive. And undeniably deliberate by Darren.

The dress itself was absolutely gorgeous by its own right, but it just wasn't me.

I couldn't wait to get the fuck out of it.

When I was finally back in my regular clothes, I thanked Martha for her help and focused on not racing out of that room, leaving Regina behind to chat with her about her own dress. Clive and Owen were waiting outside the room, snickering at my obvious irritation from the fitting. Fuckers.

Rounding the hall, I made my way toward the foyer, intent on taking Camaro for a walk when I noticed a small blonde standing near the bottom of the stairway, surrounded by luggage and the movement of the staff. When she eventually turned her head, I found myself quickening my step.


Her eyes found mine instantly, the blue unmistakable, but it was quickly blocked by a hard body in my way. Darren's arm came around my middle, hauling me away from the stairwell and into a random office. I could hear Camaro barking behind the door until Clive and Owen hushed her.

"Hey! Put me down!" I griped, struggling to get out of Darren's hold. "Was that Kayla? What is she doing here?"

"Quiet down," he ordered, and I instantly shut my mouth, demanding he answer me through the glare in my eyes. "You're finished with your fitting already?"

I tried not to huff at his lack of response, but Darren's answers always came first.

"Yes, I finished. The dress fits great, though I'm not happy about the lack of mobility," I stated.

Darren chuckled, that smile easing the tension in my stomach. "You won't need to worry about your mobility, Jaden. I doubt I'll be able to put you down the entire night."

I scoffed. "That may actually be necessary. The shoes they put me in were killing my feet. Now, please tell me what Kayla is doing here?"

Darren released a heavy breath, his dark blue eyes giving me the look he always gives me when I'm too persistent. I should back down, but I can't. The last time I saw her was back at Matt's house, the very same night Darren destroyed me.

"Kayla is here because I asked Matt to bring her."

I furrowed my brows. "Why?"

"Because I thought you might like to see her at our wedding," he said softly.

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