59. Beacon

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2 Months Later

A little red dot blinked on my screen. The relentless tiny light pulsing with each second that passed, the only motivation driving me to my end goal.


By some miracle, I was able to use one of the collars we'd gotten from the women we rescued from that club in Rome to hack the satellite for all the signals it tracked. And I'd been staring at that dot ever since. My eyes couldn't look away. It was my beacon, my compass, leading me in the direction of my haven, a haven that was stolen away from her life. From her family. From me.

I made her a promise. I would protect her family. I would find her. And I wouldn't stop until she was free. No matter the cost.

"Jason," Romero called as he entered the room. "You ready?"

Looking up at him from the table, my eyes caught the bright blonde hair that lingered just behind his shoulder, her blue eyes catching my gaze as she looked at me with hope and fire. She was my bridge to Jaden now, the link connecting our worlds, and I intended to protect that link with my life. Because what we were about to do next was fucking insane.

I nodded at Romero. "Is she ready, though?"

There was silence for a moment as Romero beamed down at the blonde, a soft knowing smile on his lips, but he waited for her to answer for herself.

"I'm ready," Kayla said, her eyes hardened as she stepped into the light. "I can handle him."

Accepting her courage, I nodded as I pocketed my phone and stood. Ready as ever to finish this.

"All right, let's go see Rainer."

To be continued in the fifth and final book.


In case you didn't know this is Jason's pov and I know it's the first time to write his pov but I want to show you guys new pov and that is Jason's, so how do you find it, was it good?

Yayyy! You've made and reached the end of this story but this will not be the end of Darren and Jaden's story there will be a fifth and the final book for this series so stay tuned.

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