14. Distraction

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After Jaden and Kayla were finished with the little lunch date I scheduled for them, I had Matt bring Kayla into my office for a small chat. He had her sit down on the brown leather couch in front of my desk, his hands on her shoulders holding her there until she understood she was not to move. Her entire body was stiff, her shoulders hunched as if she were cold while her hands stayed folded on her knees. Her eyes remained focused on the floor in front of her.

Such a good little girl.

"Hello, Kayla," I said politely, barely withholding the smugness of my voice.

"Hello," she replied quietly. It was obvious how uncomfortable she was, which was understandable, considering all the things I was responsible for with her life. She could thank me later.

"Did you enjoy your lunch with Jaden?"

"Yes, I did. Thank you very much." Her voice remained timid, her eyes still on the floor.

"You're welcome. And now that I've done something nice for you, I need you to do something for me," I said.

Her eyes stayed on the floor, but her brows knitted together in confusion. Matt turned from his view of the window to glare at Kayla.

"Kayla, look at him when he talks to you," he chastised. Her eyes immediately met mine, fear coating those beautiful blue irises. It made me smirk.

"W-What do you need me to do?"

"The wedding is tomorrow, and I know Jaden isn't particularly excited about it."

Kayla's stare went wide, little gasp exiting her mouth. "Oh, I don't know about that, I think she's just nerv—"

I held my hand up to cut her off. "Don't try to lie to cover for her. I know her better than she thinks. There is not much she can hide from me."

She swallowed hard.

"With that being said, I still want Jaden to enjoy herself on our wedding night, which is where you come in. Your job is to make sure she eats, drinks, though not too much, and dances. Make sure she smiles and has a good time. Think you can do that?"

Her brows came together again before she answered, her tone completely changed.

"Sorry, but isn't that your job as her new husband?"

Sassy little smartass. I can see why Jaden likes her.

"Kayla," Matt chided, but I held my hand up to wave him off.

"Unfortunately, I'll be absent for a good part of the reception, so I need you to keep Jaden distracted for a while. Unless you'd rather have Matt keep you locked up for the entire day?"

She chewed on the inside of her cheek before changing her attitude. "I'll do what I can."

"See that you succeed," I retorted, my voice dark with warning.

She nodded.

"Come on, Kayla," Matt said, directing her out of my office. She rose and followed, the sour look on her face softening only a little as she walked over to Matt, who led her outside. "Take her to our room. She doesn't leave," he said to the guard who waited outside the door. When she was gone, he closed the door and sat down on the couch.

"That ass is gonna be so black and blue tonight," he said with a scowl.

I chuckled. "Now you have something to look forward to later. You're welcome."

Matt smirked. "So ... you think he's really going to show up tomorrow?"

"Like he'd miss this opportunity? My whole family together at once, drunk and completely distracted? It's perfect."

Patience was a virtue, and it was finally paying off. Because Benjamin Carter had officially found his balls and left his little nest to fly into the big boy world with Antonio Moochii, another scorned past business partner. Good. I could kill two birds with one stone then.

According to one of my many underground informants I had Scott implant, a plot to attack my wedding had been put into motion. A total of about ten men had been hired as guns with Carter and Moochii leading the group. Evidently, Carter partnered up with Mooch when he found out I cut him loose after a construction project had gone wrong with Dominic in Vegas last year.

For once, Dominic's head was in the right place and caught Mooch lying about his assets, which were not nearly as good as he led on, and expected us to front the entire bill. I didn't deal with liars. Ever. So the deal was off and he lost all of what little investors he did have. He didn't get much business after that once I'd blacklisted him.

"Sounds like it's going to be one hell of a party," Matt said with a smirk.

I smiled. "I'm going to enjoy gutting the fuck out of both of them."

"Hope you've got a spare tux on hand."

"Got three."

Matt grinned. "Good. Now let's go get drunk for your bachelor party."


Are you excited for the wedding?

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