56. Phoenix

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was like a dream from the deepest, darkest depths of my subconscious, something I never thought to be conceivable. But there it was right in front of me.

Jaden was standing in front of a demolished burning building, her body covered from head to toe in blood and dirt, her black leather dress torn and weathered, her hair in short jagged shambles while she carried a bloody machete in one hand, a pistol in the other, and an M16 strapped to her back, dead bodies scattered all around her like trophies from a hunt.

The image burned itself into the back of my mind like an imprint I'd never be able to blink away. She was an angel of death, a goddess of war, and I couldn't take my fucking eyes off her.

It wasn't just her stilled presence or that vibrant energy torching the air around her that made my own bones burn from the inside out. It was the look on her face. A hardened crimson mask of steel and fury that could only be matched by the fire in her eyes as her gaze pierced through me, creating the most indescribable feeling. The stark feeling of being wrong. Of being so incredibly wrong on so many levels it hit me like a ton of bricks nearly bringing me to my knees.

My creation, my perfect vision, my wife was more than just ready. She didn't even fucking need me.

I didn't know how many men she killed or if she was the reason the building had exploded. All I knew was that among the dead, the destruction, and the flames, she was the one still standing. And she wanted me to know that.

Message received, my little Queen.

Finding my feet, they carried me to where she stood, her eyes following my every move like I might reach out and attack her. God, even in this battle-hardened state, she was still the most beautiful creature I'd ever laid eyes on.

"Jaden," I said, attempting to end whatever trance she suddenly had over me.

Relaxing her shoulders, she released a heavy breath and found her voice.

"About time," she stated. "I need a fucking shower."

Her words didn't even surprise me. She was a warrior now, born from fire and blood, a completely new animal. One I wasn't sure if I even still knew.

Walking past me, she headed for the car while the thirty-five men I'd brought with me surrounded the building, hunting for any survivors or threats. I knew in my gut there would be none.

Forgetting that Matt had followed me out of the car, he stopped in front of Jaden, desperation all over his face.

"Where's Kayla?" he asked.

Jaden didn't say a word. Just stared at him until the anger reappeared all over her pretty face. And then she dropped the weapons in her hands and punched him right in the mouth.

Stunned by her sudden attacked, Jaden managed to get a few more good hits on Matt, knocking his ass to the ground before I finally found my senses and pulled her off him.

"She's dead, you fuck!" she shouted at him as she struggled against me. Regret instantly exploded in my chest. Those were the last words I expected to hear. "They fucking killed her because of you!"

Matt's eyes went wide as his hands dropped to his side, completely lifeless.

"How do you know?" I asked as I held her tight, attempting to calm her down.

She stopped struggling for a moment before she shook her head and gritted her teeth. "Tony told me everything," she said as she seethed down at Matt. "They took her away into another room, and she screamed for what seemed like hours. When I finally broke out of the holding unit, there was nothing left in the room but pools of blood."

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