12. Victory

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I took a few more steps inside the room, my eyes taking in Jaden's position, the one she always stood in when she was preparing for a fight – her body turned to the side, knees slightly bent, back heel raised, hands wavering – completely loose and ready ... and absolutely sexy as fuck.

This girl I fucking craved like heroin.

But it wasn't just her stance that gave her away, it was the way she looked at me. With those narrowed brows and stone-cold expression, you couldn't mistake the flames in her eyes if you tried. They were the very same ones that still secretly burned for my destruction. And the addict in me still loved to fan them.

"I'm sorry my pawns aren't up to your standards of destruction. It appears you need something more durable."

She smirked. "Now you're catching on."

I moved toward her, cracking my knuckles and staring her down. She was going to wear so many of my handprints tonight.

"So, let's get right to it then. Why did you defend that girl?" I already knew the answer, of course, but I needed to hear things from her.

"Because I didn't think her death was warranted or fair," she answered almost immediately.

"And since the fuck when did you think that was enough reason to interfere?" My anger was on the rise again.

"Since that very moment I no longer cared."

My eyebrows rose as Jaden glared back at me, and I almost started to laugh at the audacity. These were the moments when I toyed back and forth between unleashing this rebellious side of her just so I could crush her back into submission. I fucking lived for it.

"Sounds like someone's forgotten her place again," I stated, rolling my shoulders and cracking my neck.

Jaden narrowed her gaze at me and took a hard step forward.

"Wrong. I know exactly where it is. And you're going to accept it and like it. Right now."

My head turned to the side while a large smile creeped up my lips. She was so cute and sexy when she was angry and trying to face off with me. We both knew how it always ended.

"Oh, princess," I said with a smirk, placing my hands in my pants pockets. "Please enlighten me."

Jaden took two steps toward me, grabbed my tie, and yanked. "In less than three days from now, I'm not going to be your fucking little princess anymore, you condescending asshole. I'll be your goddamn queen. You'd better smarten up and start acting like it."

With my cock ready to burst through my pants, I grabbed Jaden's throat and wrenched her toward me. Her hand pulled my tie tighter, but her eyes never left mine. Her breathing became heavy as her chest heaved, her mouth open with invitation.

Like I fucking needed one.

Turning, I quickly slammed her down onto the bed, my body instantly covering hers and trapping her underneath me.

"There's my girl," I drawled.

With that lustful gaze in her eyes, Jaden yanked my tie even more, and I didn't fight her as I lowered myself to claim her perfect lips with my own. It was all the distraction she needed to shift slightly to free to her legs and wrap them tightly around my torso, locking me to her.

She became an animal then, clawing at my clothes, scratching at my skin, moaning for what only I could give her. I was not one to deny her very often, especially when she was like this.

Our clothes hit the floor in shreds, buttons flying in every direction, and for the next hour, the room was filled with nothing but screams of her pain and my satisfaction. Jaden's ass was black and blue while my chest and back bore claw marks worthy of a fucking wolf. A red ring circled Jaden's throat while my bottom lip began to swell. But I didn't give a single fuck about it.

Her silky red hair was wrapped around my fist as I drove into her from behind. Her sweet pussy clung to my cock as she took everything I had. She was going to come again, but not before I was ready.

Reaching forward, I gripped her throat and pulled her back against my chest. My other hand released her hair, moving lower to pinch her nipples and lower still to play with her clit. More of Jaden's moans filled the air, that sound taking over and sending me into oblivion.

Sweet euphoria came as a rush of bliss flowed through my body, my cum filling Jaden entirely and sending her over the edge for the third time. After catching my breath, I pushed her forward to lay on the bed, my body still covering hers and loving the feel of her soft and flushed skin against mine. And even as exhausted as I was, I still wasn't quite finished. I had one more point to make.

Grazing my teeth along the side of her neck, I bit down just enough to catch her attention before whispering in her ear.

"You may be the queen soon, Jaden, but don't ever forget who you belong to. You know how easily I can turn a crown into a cage."

She didn't say a word, just turned her head and kissed me with enough force to push me back. Her tongue wrapped around my own and drew me further into her, making me want to fuck her all over again.

When she pulled back, her teeth nipped at my lip and a smirk formed across her mouth.

Fuck – if I could love someone, it would be her.

Pulling away, I went into the bathroom and nearly laughed at the state of myself as I looked in the mirror. She made a hot mess out of me. After cleaning up, I changed into a fresh suit and stepped back into the bedroom to find Jaden sleeping under the sheets.

I decided the message was received and walked out, passing Clive and Owen at the doors.

"Make sure she's awake in an hour and ready for dinner," I said as I kept walking.

I wasn't about to have my queen thinking she could sleep the rest of the day away.


When the door was closed and I knew Darren was long gone, I turned on my side, and rested my head in my hand, staring ahead at nothing. My entire body hummed, pulsing with the kind of agony only Darren could deliver, reminding me of his satisfaction, and so, my victory. It didn't take long for the smallest of smiles to creep along my face.


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